<日英2ヶ国語併記 Japanese-English Bilingual Page>
6. 『セルボーンの博物誌』 日本語版

revised in April 2010

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@市河三喜の注釈本 A山内義雄の養徳社昭和23年版 B山内義雄の
養徳社版昭和24年版 C寿岳文章の岩波文庫版 D寿岳文章の岩波文
庫復刻版 E西谷退三の私家版 F西谷退三の博友社版 G山内義雄の
出帆社版 H山内義雄の講談社学術文庫版 I西谷退三の八坂書房版 
@Ichikawa-Sanki's textbook edition  AYamauchi-Yoshio's Yotokusha
1948 edition BYamauchi-Yoshio's 1949 edition CJugaku-Bunsho's
Iwanami Poket Library edition DJugaku-Bunsho's Iwanami Pocket Library
reprinted edition ENishitani-Taizo's private edition FNishitani-Taizo's
Hakuyusha edition GYamauchi-Yoshio's Shuppansha edition 
HYamauchi-Yoshio's Kodansha Accademic Pocket Library edition,
INishitani-Taizo's Yasakashobo edition JNiidzuma-Akio's Shjoggakan
Global People's Library edition

 日本で『セルボーンの博物誌』が本として世に出るまでに、何人かの学者によって雑誌などで紹介されたり抄訳されたもの、後には原文に註を付けた教科書版がありました。昭和13 (1938) 年、柏倉俊三が抜粋したテクスト版を開隆堂から出しています。しかし、この本に言及されたものは皆無です。存在自体が疑わしかったのですが、第3版が西谷文庫(西谷退三の蔵書)の中に第3版があるのが見つかりました。初版はまだ見つかっていません。
 昭和15 (1940) 年には市川三喜による完全テクスト版が注釈を付けて研究者英文学叢書の1冊(1)として出版されました。この本は少なくても後の2人の学者の翻訳に影響を与えています。

     In Japan some shcolars publised introductory essays or selected translations and later textbook editions of  "THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE". In 1938 an abbreviated textbook with notes was published by Kashiwagura Shunzo from Kairyudo in Tokyo. But even the name of the textbook had never reffered to in any articles concerned. The existence istself had been dubious, but the third editon of it was found in Nishitani Library (Nishiani-Taizo's library). The first editon is yet to be found.
     In 1940 Ichikawa-Sanki's full text version was published as one of the Kenkyusha English Literary Series (1). It gave much help to at least the two scholars who completed their full translation later.

  昭和23(1948)年になって日本で最初の完訳が山内義雄の訳で奈良県の養徳社から2卷本(2)で出版されました。山内義雄は昭和18 (1943)年には翻訳を完成させていましたが、その出版は戦後まで待たねばならなかったのです。次の年に第2版(3)が箱入りになって出版されています。昭和51(1976)年には出帆社から1卷本(8)として出版されましたが、彼はこの新しい本を目にすることはできませんでした。ついで平成4(1992)年に講談社から図版入りで講談社学術文庫の1冊(9)として出版されました。残念ながら山内義雄の本は全て絶版になっています。

      It was in 1948 that the first complete translation into Japanese was published in two volumes by Yamauchi-Yoshio from Yotokusha in Nara Prefecture (2). He  had finished his translation in 1943, but the war prevented the publication. His second edition (3) appeared in the next year from the same publisher, but the two volumes were set in a cardboard box with a picture on it.  In 1976 his translation was published in one volume by Shuppansha (8), but alas, he could not see his new edition. And in 1997 it was republished with illustrations by Kodanasha as one of the Kodansha Accademic Pocket Library Series (9). Unhappily all his editons were out of print now.
      The next one was published in 1949 by Jugaku-Bunsho as one of the Iwanami Pocket Book Library Series (4). It was also divided into two volumes. And he also had published some translations of selected chapters in a magazine. In 1977 it was reprinted in commemoratation of the 50 years of the Iwanami Pocket Book Library Series (5).

 3番目のもの(6)は昭和33 (1958) 年に高知県の小さな町・佐川で出版されました。先の2つの訳本の著者は共に大学教授でしたが、この本の著者は西谷退三といい、死後にその本が出版されるまで世には知られなかった人でした。私家版としてわずか200部しか出版されなかったその本が注目されて、3年後の昭和36 (1961) 年には市販本が東京の博友社から出版(7)されました。平成4 (1992) 年には八坂書房から図版も新たな註も加えれたものが出版(10)されました。

      The third one (6) was published in 1958 at a small town, Sakawa, in Kochi Prefecture. Although the authors of the former two were professors, the third man Nishitani-Taizo was a man unknown to the world until his translation was published after his death. Althoug only 200 copies were printed then as a private edtion, the book attracted much attention of the world. Three years later, in 1961, the marketplace edition (7) was published by Hakuyusha in Tokyo. In 1992 a completely new edition with illustrations and new notes was published by Yasaka Shobo in Tokyo (10).

      In 1997 Niiduma-Akio's translation was published as one of the Shogakkan Global People's Library Series (11). But it is not a complete translation. Many pages are omitted and edited by the translator. However, it is easy to get and may be useful for beginners to natural history.

 平成20 (2008) 年末に BIRDS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE 『セルボーンの博物誌の鳥たち』 という日英対訳版が編訳・井沢浩一/絵・黒田萬知子で生態系トラスト協会から出版されました。左側のページに原文に現れる野鳥全部のイラストを載せ、大きさ・現代の英名と和名も添えています。右側のページの上段にはその鳥が出てくる原文を載せ下側に新たな日本語訳と註などを加えています。原文も味わえる訳本としては世界初といってもいいでしょう。野鳥が主なページを占めていますが、原本の全体像や訳本や訳者のこと、現代のセルボーン案内や参考書目も載っていて入門書としても役立つと思います。英文学を読む場合の野鳥図鑑にもなります。
     At the end of 2008 an English and Japanese bilingual book
"BIRDS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE" was published by Izawa-Koichi and Kuroda-Machiko from the Ecosystem Trust Society. On the left pages all the birds whch appears in the original text are drawn with their modern English and Japanese names. On the right pages the sentences abstracted from the original text and the Japanese translations were put togeher with some notes. The main part is about the birds of the original text, but you can grasp the whole image of the original book with the intorductory pages, the bibliography and a guide to Selborne. It will also useful for lovers of English literature as illustrated book of birds.

のショップで売られている 『セルボーンの博物誌の鳥たち

at the shop of Gilbert White's House and the Oates Museum


About Yamauchi-Yoshio(1905-1963)
     He was born in Matsuyama City and graduated from Tokyo University. He lectured English literature at Meiji University. *Be careful not to take him as scholar in French lieterature, Yamanouchi-Yoshio.

西谷退三 小伝
A Brief Biography of Nishitani-Taizo

 西谷退三こと竹村源兵衛は明治18 (1885) 年に高知県の佐川で生まれました。札幌農学校予科に進学していましたが、2年の修了を待たずに帰郷しました。有力な薬問屋の跡取り息子でしたので父の跡を継がねばなりませんでした。しかし、商売には関心がなく仕事はほとんど番頭や叔父に任せて生涯を趣味に生きた人でした。

    Takemura-Genbei (1885-1958), alias Nisitani-Taizo, was born in Sakawa, Kochi Prefecture. He advanced to the Preliminary Course to Sapporo Agricultural College in Hokkaido, but left the school before he finished his second year. He wa a heir to a rich medicine wholesaler and had to succeed to his father. But his interest was not in business. Trusting his work to his manager and uncle, he dovoted himself to his various hobbies all through his life.

        In January 1923 he left Kochi for the USA. He travelled from San Francisco to New York for 15 months visiting various noted places, but the most attractive place for him was Concord where Emerson and Thoreau had lived. He visited there many times and sent a lot of photographs he took and postcards to his beloved uncle, Nisaku. At the end of March in 1924 he crossed the Atlantic. What he wanted to do in England was to experience a life there. Luckily he found a favourable lodging house at St John's Wood in the north of London. He stayed there for 8 months and enjoyed his life with the family of the landlord. He enjoyed even a social life there, visiting Derby, theatres and concert halls. He spent much time at the British Museum. He was a bookworm and went to almost all the bookstores in London and bought many books. He did not leave London except for one month travel from Paris to Genova and twice of one-day visit to Selborne. It seems he had more interest in Jean-Jacques Rousseau than Gilbert White at that time. In his letters to his uncle and friends, he never mentioned evnen the name of Selborne.

Rubbing of Gilbert
White's gravestone
made by Nishitani

     His special interest in "THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE" must have been after his coming home. At that time in Japan almost no one besides him knew even the existence of the book. It was not until 1928 that the book was first introduced to Japan. After that the name of the book and selected translations began to appear on some magazines for English scholars and students. There were no translated books.

  それで自分がやってみようと思ったのでしょうが、実際に翻訳を始めたのは昭和14年(1939年)ごろのようです。そして原稿は昭和21 (1946) 年にはほとんど完成していました。しかし、戦後の農地改革の影響もあって彼の出版の意図は果たせませんでした。ついに山内義雄が本邦初の翻訳を出版し、寿岳文章もこれに続きました。そして昭和32 (1957) 年6月、とうとう夢は果たせぬまま死を迎えねばなりませんでした。
     This may be the reason why he tired to translate it into Japanese, but it was at the ealiesy in 1939 that he really began his work. The draught was completed at the latest in 1946. After the war Yamauchi-Yoshio and Jugaku-Bunsho successively published their translation, but the land reform after the war had put him in a difficult condition. At last he had to meet his last day in June, 1957, without realising his dream.

2005.2.26. 2010年4月9日改訂

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