List of Keyword in Japanese journal Title
-- L --

La        | The Annual Review of Canadian Studies : La Revue Annuelle D'Etudes Canadiennes
La        | La mer : Bulletin de la Société franco-japonaise d'océanographie
Labor     | Japan Labor Review
Laboratory| Bulletin of NRLM (National Research Laboratory of Metrology)
Laboratory| Bulletin of Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics
Laboratory| Journal of Management Information Laboratory in Kanazawa Women's University
Laboratory| Reports of the Research Laboratory for Surface Science, Okayama University
Labour    | The Journal of Science of Labour ; Reports of The Institute for Science of Labour
Labour    | The Monthly Journal of the Japan Institute of Labour
Lake      | Research Report of the Lake Biwa Museum
Language  | Academic Studies ; English Language and Literature
Language  | Baika Literary Bulletin ; English and American Literature and Language
Language  | Bulletin of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University = Studies in Language and Culture 
Language  | Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature
Language  | Bulletin of Language Science and Humanities
Language  | Dokkyo University Studies in Foreign Language Teaching
Language  | Doshisha Studies in Language and Culture
Language  | The Graduate School Review of the English Language and Literature
Language  | HJU Studies in English Language and Literature
Language  | Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature
Language  | Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies ; Kiyo
Language  | The Japanese Journal of Hearing and Language Disorders
Language  | The Japanese Language Review
Language  | Journal of Japanese Language Teaching
Language  | Journal of Language and Culture
Language  | The Journal of Language and Culture, Toyo University
Language  | Journal of Language and Information Sciences
Language  | Kanagawa University Studies in Language
Language  | Language and Culture
Language  | Language Issues ; Journal of the Foreign Language Education Center
Language  | Language and Literature
Language  | Language Research Bulletin
Language  | Mathesis Universalis : Bulletin of the Department of Language and Culture
Language  | Omika Studies in English Language and Literature
Language  | Osaka University Journal of Language and Culture
Language  | The Proceedings of the Foreign Language Sections Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences the University of Tokyo
Language  | The Research Center for Japanese Language Education annual bulletin
Language  | Rikkyo University Journal of Language and the Humanities
Language  | Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture
Language  | Ryudai Review of Language & Literature
Language  | Southern Review ; Studies in Foreign Language and Literature
Language  | Studies in English Language and Literature
Language  | Studies in Foreign Language Teaching
Language  | Studies in the Japanese Language
Language  | Studies in Language and Culture
Language  | Studies in Language and Culture
Language  | Studies in Language and Culture = Bulletin of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University
Language  | Studies in Language and Culture : Journal of the Society of Studies in Language Culture
Language  | Studies in Language and Literature
Language  | Tokyo Women's Christian University Studies in Language and Culture
Language  | Working Papers in Language and Speech Science
Language, | Bulletin of the Department of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language, Hiroshima University
Language, | Papers in Language, Thought and Culture Seisen University Graduate School
Language, | The Tsuda Review : The Journal of the Department of English-Literature, Language, Culture, and Communication
Languages | Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University, Department of Foreign Languages and Bunkyo Gakuin College
Languages | Meikai Journal Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Languages | Papers on Languages and Cultures
Languages,| Bulletin of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Hokuriku University
Languages,| Journal of Foreign Languages, Okinawa International University
Langue    | Cahiers de Literature et Langue Francaises
Langue    | Revue de Hiyoshi ; Langue et Littérature Françaises
Law       | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus
Law       | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus ; Japanese Literature
Law       | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of Ryukyus ; Sociology
Law       | The Bulletin of Faculty of Law
Law       | Chiba Journal of Law and Politics
Law       | Comparative Law Journal
Law       | East Asian Studies; Review of Asian Research Institute Osaka University of Economics and Law
Law       | Fukuoka University Review of Law
Law       | The Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies
Law       | Hogaku Journal : The Journal of Law
Law       | The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy
Law       | Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law
Law       | The Journal of Law and Politics
Law       | Kagawa Law Review
Law       | Kokushikan Comparative Law Review
Law       | The Law Journal ; Studies in Law and Politics
Law       | The Law Review of Komazawa University
Law       | Meiji Law Journal
Law       | Review of Law and Political Sciences
Law       | Ritsumeikan Law Review
Law       | Ryukoku Law Review
Law       | Sapporo Gakuin Law Review
Law       | Shimane Law Review ; Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Law       | Shudo Law Review
Law       | Surugadai Journal of Law and Politics
Law       | Toa Law Review
Law       | Yamanashigakuin Law Review
Law)      | The Journal of Economics Department (Akita University of Economics and Law)
Law,      | Journal of the Association of Law, The Okinawa International University
Laws      | Journal of Business Laws
Learning  | Bulletin of the Inter-University Lifelong Learning Research Institute [Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Kyushu Women's University, Kyushu Women's Jr. College]
Learning  | Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning
Lepidopter| Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan
Letter    | Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University News Letter
Letters   | Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters Aichi Prefectural University
Letters   | Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters Kobe University
Letters   | Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters Kobe University
Letters   | Chemistry Letters
Letters   | The Hiroshima University Studies Faculty of Letters
Letters   | Journal of the Faculty of Letters
Letters,  | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus
Letters,  | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus ; Japanese Literature
Letters,  | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of Ryukyus ; Sociology
Letters,  | Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University
Letters,  | Bulletin of Orientology : Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Toyo University ; Ser. of Indian Philosophy
Liberal   | Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Liberal   | Bulletin of the Faculty of Liberal Arts Hosei University
Liberal   | Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
Liberal   | Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences of the National Defense Medical College
Liberal   | Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts
Liberal   | Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts Yamaguchi University : Humanities and Social Sciences
Liberal   | Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts Yamaguchi University : Natural Sciences
Liberal   | Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shinshu University
Liberal   | Studies in Liberal Arts Faculty of Engineering Toyo University
Liberales | Artes Liberales
Libraries | Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries : Research and Practice : Kyoto DL 2000 ; Proceedings
Library   | Doshisha Journal of Library and Information Science
Life      | Bulletin of Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Science, Hiroshima Women's University
Life      | Hyogo University of Teacher Education Journal, Ser.3 (Natural Sciences, Practical Life Studies)
Life      | Journal of the Faculty of Human Life Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Life      | Journal of Research on Social and Economic Life
Lifelong  | Bulletin of the Inter-University Lifelong Learning Research Institute [Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Kyushu Women's University, Kyushu Women's Jr. College]
Lifelong  | Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning
Light     | Journal of Light & Visual Environment
Lingua    | Lingua
Linguarum | Studium ; Linguarum et Culutuum Mundi
Linguistic| Descriptive and Applied Linguistics : Bulletin of the ICU Summer Institute in Linguistics
Linguistic| English Linguistics : Journal of the English Linguistic Society of Japan
Linguistic| Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan
Linguistic| Linguistic Research : Working Papers in English Linguistics
Linguistic| Selected Research Papers in Applied Linguistics : Meikai Roudtable in Applied Linguistics
Linguistic| Sophia Linguistica : Working Papers in Linguistics
Linguistic| The Tohoku Gakuin University Review ; Human, Linguistic, and Information Sciences
Liquid    | Water Purification and Liquid Wastes Treatment
Literary  | Baika Literary Bulletin ; English and American Literature and Language
Literary  | English Literary Society Bulletin
Literary  | The Journal of the Literary Society of Yamaguchi University
Literary  | Mukogawa Literary Review
Literary  | Osaka Literary Review
Literary  | Persica ; Journal of the English Literary Society of Okayama
Literary  | Shoin Literary Review
Literary  | Studies in Science of Literary Art
Literatur | Studien zur Deutschen und Franzoesischen Literatur
Literature| Academic Studies ; English Language and Literature
Literature| Baika Literary Bulletin ; English and American Literature and Language
Literature| Bulletin of the Center for Historical Social Science Literature, Hitotsubashi University
Literature| Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus ; Japanese Literature
Literature| Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Philosophy and Literature
Literature| Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature
Literature| Bulletin of Faculty of Literature, Kurume University
Literature| Cahiers de Literature et Langue Francaises
Literature| [Center for Historical Social Science Literature, Hitotsubashi University] Study series
Literature| Collected Treatises on English & English Literature
Literature| English and English-American Literature
Literature| English Literature
Literature| Essays and Studies in British & American Literature
Literature| Fukuoka University Review of Literature & Humanities
Literature| The Graduate School Review of the English Language and Literature
Literature| HJU Studies in English Language and Literature
Literature| Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature
Literature| Hokusei Gakuen University Graduate School Literature Review
Literature| Kagoshima Studies in English Literature
Literature| Konan Women's University Studies in English Literature
Literature| Language and Literature
Literature| Omika Studies in English Language and Literature
Literature| Review of English Literature
Literature| Ryudai Review of Language & Literature
Literature| Shimane Law Review ; Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Literature| Sophia-Universitaet Beitraege zur Deutschen Literature
Literature| Southern Review ; Studies in Foreign Language and Literature
Literature| Studies in American Literature
Literature| Studies in English Language and Literature
Literature| Studies in English Literature
Literature| Studies in English Literature
Literature| Studies in Foreign Literature
Literature| Studies in the Humanities : Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature Osaka City University
Literature| Studies in Language and Literature
Literature| Thought Currents in English Literature
Litteratur| Litteratura
Littératur| Bulletin Annuel des Essais sur la Littérature Française et Allemande
Littératur| Revue de Hiyoshi ; Langue et Littérature Françaises
Living    | Journal of Urban Living and Health Association
Living    | Report of the Research Institute of Sciences for Living College of International Relations Nihon University
Living    | Research Journal of Living Science
Logistics | Journal of the Faculty of Distribution and Logistics System
Look      | Look Japan