
山・旅・アウトドア・釣り・歴史を楽しむ  四季晴の部屋


世界の奇石 北投石(ホクトセキ): Hokutolite ラジウムを放出する放射能鉱物。

現在は日本、台湾とも国指定の特別天然記念物に指定され採掘は勿論国外への持ち出しも厳重に禁止され 保護されています。

下記の北投石は双方の国で特別天然記念物に指定される前に採取されたものですので 所有するすることには何ら問題ありません。

World curious stone HOKUTOSEKI : Hokutolite(academic name) The radioactivity mineral which releases
radium. It is appointed to a special natual monument of the country designation with Japan, Taiwan and the carry out to the foreign teritory is strictly prohibit not to mention a dig severely, too and is protected now.

Because following HOKUTOSEKI are the things which was gathered in paticular in both countries by the special natural monument before it is appointed, things doing owning does not have any problem at all.







日本 明治31年 玉川温泉で発見  大正11年 天然記念物に指定。
                   昭和27年 国の特別天然記念物に指定。


北投石は薬石として有名で非常に高い医療効果が期待されております。 傷ついた遺伝子を修復するということが医学的に明らかにされております。(微弱放射線による人体への影響はホルミシス効果と言われ、抗がん作用やいろいろな疾患の改善がなされると言われております。)



Only Taiwanese Peito(北投) Hot Spring and Japanese Tamagawa Onsen(hot spring) are discovered with the stones consisting of the travertine which is very valuable at all worldwide that it was made discovery (1906) in Taiwanese Peito(北投) Hot Spring, and HOKUTOSEKI takes the place name and was named.

In Japan.

It was discovered in Tamagawa Onsen in 1898.
It was appointed it to the natural monument of the country in 1922.
It was appointed it to the special natural monument of the country in 1952.

**Collection is forbidden in Japan since it was appointed to the special natural monument of the country**
(The upper stones obtained the things gathered before it.)

The medical effect that HOKUTOSEKI is famous as medical care, and is very high is expected. It is found that restore a damaged gene medically.(The influence on human body caused by the feeble radiationis said to be a homesis effect, and it is said that anticancer action and the improvement of various desease are accomplished.)

It is studied for many years led by Old Empire University including Tokyo University and Tohoku University by scholars more than 200, and many clinical results have been reported and announced in Japan

That is why the people with incurable deseases count and gather in Tamagawa Onsen and a few
radium hot springs.

  四神球守(ししんきゅうしゅ)世界に 1500年前より伝わる守り神

。 1年間に作られる100体のうち、50体がアジア各地で残りの50体はヨーロッパ、アメリカ、南米、アフリカなどで領布されます。


モンタナ美術館、ボルドー美術館など 多数の欧米美術館でも東洋の守り神として鑑賞することができます。

(私が領布を受けた時点(1997年)では 今後日本では西暦2010年まで領布されることはないだろうと聞いておりました。)
四神球守 (スーシェンチューシュン)  写真左より

財神..1500年前より中国ではお金 金銀財宝 宝石などにまつわる”最高の神”とされています。



地神(複数神)..三神と言われ三つの神からなる神。 ”出会い”、”縁”などを司る神。

四神球守 一つ一つを手にとって振ってみると 一つ一つが不思議な独特の音色を奏でます。

The Four Guardian Angels(四神球守) who comes to the world from 1,500 years ago.

is the Guardian Angels with mysterious power to come through Asia from 1,500 years ago.

Chinese overseas Chinese succeeded in is held much.

四神球守 is not done cloth possessing only 100 sets a year in the World. Made 50 of 100 sets are asian each place and, as for remaining 50 sets, as done cloth to possess in Europe, United States, South America and Africa a year.

The learned and virtuous priests who gathered from Asian each place perform the player of the body and soul for a total 150 hours for approximately 20 days and put "mind" in one one Gardian Angels, they picture Gardian Angels in the balls by handwriting.

The value as the work of art is accepted for a long time in Europe and America, too and can appreciate a large number of European and American Art Museums including even the Montana Art Museum and the Bordeaux Art Museum as the Oriental Gardian Angels.