List of Keyword in Japanese journal Title
-- C --

C         | JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
C,        | Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Ser. C, Geology & Paleontology
CGP       | CGP Newsletter
Cahiers   | Cahiers de Literature et Langue Francaises
Cairn     | Cairn
Campana   | Campana ; Suzuka International University Journal
Canadian  | The Annual Review of Canadian Studies : La Revue Annuelle D'Etudes Canadiennes
Canadian  | The Journal of American and Canadian Studies
Canadienne| The Annual Review of Canadian Studies : La Revue Annuelle D'Etudes Canadiennes
Cancer    | Japanese Journal of Cancer Research
Care      | The Annual Report of College of Medical Care and Technology Gunma University
Cargo     | Report of Research Institute for Marine Cargo Transportation
Cell      | Cell Structure and Function
Cell      | Cytologia : International Journal of Cytogenetics and Cell Biology
Cell      | Human Cell
Center    | Bulletin of the Center for Historical Social Science Literature, Hitotsubashi University
Center    | Bulletin of Kyoto Bunkyo Center for Clinical Psychology
Center    | Bulletin of Medical Center for Student's Health Service, Kobe University
Center    | Bulletin of the Research Center for Human Science
Center    | Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Education
Center    | The Center or Financial Industry Information Systems
Center    | Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies ; Kiyo
Center    | [Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands] Occasional Papers
Center    | Language Issues ; Journal of the Foreign Language Education Center
Center    | Marine & Highland Bioscience Center Report
Center    | Nanzan Review of American Studies ; Journal of the Center for American Studies Nanzan University
Center    | Report of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security Kobe University
Center    | The Research Center for Japanese Language Education annual bulletin
Center,   | Acta Slavica Iaponica ; Journal of Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University
Center,   | Annual Report of Marine Ecosystems Research Center, Chiba University
Center,   | Galaxea ; publication of Sesoko Marine Science Center, University of the Ryukyus
Central   | The Central Japan Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology
Centre    | Bulletin of the Nanzan Centre for European Studies
Centre    | Journal of the Centre for International Studies, Aichi Gakuin University
Ceramic   | Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
Chem-Bio  | Chem-Bio Informatics Journal
Chemical  | Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Chemical  | Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Chemical  | Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
Chemical  | Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan ; Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Chemical  | Journal of Chemical Software
Chemistry | Chemistry Letters
Chemistry | Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan ; Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Chemistry | Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry
Chemistry | The Journal of the Japanese Society for History of Chemistry
Chemistry,| Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan
Chemists' | Journal of Japan Oil Chemists' Society
Chiba     | Annual Report of Marine Ecosystems Research Center, Chiba University
Chiba     | Chiba Journal of Law and Politics
Chiba     | Chiba Medical Journal
Chiba     | The Journal of Chiba University of Commerce
Chiba     | The Journal of Chiba University of Commerce
Child     | Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Chinese   | Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Philosophy and Literature
Christian | Bulletin [Institute of Christian Culture / Oriental Religions]
Christian | International Christian University Publications 3-A. Asian Cultural Studies
Christian | International Christian University Publications I-A. Educatinal Studies
Christian | International Christian University Publications IV-B. Humanities ; Christianity and Culture
Christian | Journal of Ibaraki Christian University ; Humanities
Christian | Journal of Ibaraki Christian University ; Social and Nature Sciences
Christian | Science Reports of Tokyo Women's Christian University
Christian | The St.Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies
Christian | Theology and the Humanities : Bulletin of Osaka Christian College and Seminary
Christian | Tokyo Women's Christian University Studies in Language and Culture
Christiani| International Christian University Publications IV-B. Humanities ; Christianity and Culture
Chubu     | Journal of the Chubu Rheumatism Association
Circulatio| Circulation Journal
Circulatio| Japanese Circulation Journal
Circum-Pan| The Circum-Pan-Pacific Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics '96 : Proceedings
City      | The Bulletin of Yokohama City University
City      | The Journal of Yokohama City University
City      | Studies in the Humanities : Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature Osaka City University
Civilizati| Civilization 21
Clinical  | Bulletin of Kyoto Bunkyo Center for Clinical Psychology
Clinical  | Clinical Education
Clinical  | Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology
Clinical  | Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Clinical  | Waseda Journal of Clinical Psychology
Cluster   | International Symposium on Cluster Assembled Materials ; Proceedings
Coastal   | Bulletin on Coastal Oceanography
Coll.)    | Kenkyu Kiyo (Journal of Aomori Univ. & Aomori Jr. Coll.)
Collected | Collected Treatises on English & English Literature
College   | Annual Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities Matsuyama Shinonome College
College   | The Annual Report of College of Medical Care and Technology Gunma University
College   | The Annual Reports of Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences
College   | Aomori Public College Journal of Management & Economics
College   | Bulletin of Beppu University Junior College
College   | Bulletin of College of Education, University of the Ryukyus
College   | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus
College   | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus ; Japanese Literature
College   | Bulletin of the College of Law and Letters, University of Ryukyus ; Sociology
College   | Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
College   | Bulletin of the College of Science University of the Ryukyus
College   | Bulletin of Economic Science Institute College of Economics Nihon University
College   | Bulletin of Hijiyama University Junior College
College   | Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
College   | Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences of the National Defense Medical College
College   | Bulletin of Meisei University ; College of Informatics
College   | Bulletin of Nagoya College
College   | Bulletin / Nagoya College of Art & Design
College   | Bulletin of the Niigata College of Pharmacy
College   | The Bulletin of the Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College
College   | Bulletin of Okayama Prefectural University - Junior College
College   | Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science, College of Economics, Nihon University
College   | Bulletin of St.Catherine Women's College
College   | Bulletin of Teikyo University Fukuoka Junior College
College   | Bulletin of Tokyo Junshin Joshi Daigaku, Women Junior College
College   | Bulletin of Tokyo Medical College
College   | Comparative Culture ; the Journal of Miyazaki International College
College   | Hiroshima Jogakuin College General Education Bulletin
College   | Journal of Bunkyo Gakuin University, Department of Foreign Languages and Bunkyo Gakuin College
College   | Journal of the College of Dairying. Natural science
College   | Journal of the College of International Relations
College   | The Journal of Fukuoka Dental College
College   | The Journal of Miyazaki International College
College   | The Journal of Morioka College
College   | Journal of Nagasaki Prefectural Women's Junior College
College   | Journal of the National Defense Medical College
College   | The Journal of the Shimonoseki College of Fisheries
College   | Journal of Tsuda College
College   | Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College Ronshu
College   | Okinawa Junior College Review
College   | The Proceedings of the Foreign Language Sections Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences the University of Tokyo
College   | Report of the Research Institute of Sciences for Living College of International Relations Nihon University
College   | Research Bulletin of the Faculty College of Agriculture Gifu University
College   | Research Bulletin of Kagoshima Women's College
College   | Research Reports of Ichinoseki National College of Technology
College   | Theology and the Humanities : Bulletin of Osaka Christian College and Seminary
College]  | Bulletin of the Inter-University Lifelong Learning Research Institute [Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Kyushu Women's University, Kyushu Women's Jr. College]
College]  | Memoirs [Hokkaido Musashi Women's Junior College]
Colloquia | Colloquia
Commemorat| Symposium in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; proceedings
Commerce  | Bulletin of Faculty of Commerce Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration
Commerce  | The Journal of Chiba University of Commerce
Commerce  | The Journal of Chiba University of Commerce
Commerce  | Journal of Kobe University of Commerce
Commercial| Fukuoka University Review of Commercial Sciences
Communicat| Bulletin of the Faculty of Intercultural Communication, Hiroshima Women's University
Communicat| The Bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo
Communicat| Dialogos ; the Proceedings of the Department of English Communication
Communicat| Information and Communication Studies
Communicat| The Journal of Communication Studies
Communicat| Journal of the Faculty of Global Communication, Siebold University of Nagasaki
Communicat| The Research Bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies, the University of Tokyo
Communicat| Research Communications
Communicat| Studies in Communication ; Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities
Communicat| The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Communicat| The Tsuda Review : The Journal of the Department of English-Literature, Language, Culture, and Communication
Community | Journal of Rural Community Studies
Community | Monthly Community Medicine
Community | Studies in Community Development
Comparativ| Comparative Culture ; the Journal of Miyazaki International College
Comparativ| Comparative Law Journal
Comparativ| Journal of Comparative Cultures
Comparativ| Kokushikan Comparative Law Review
Comparativ| Newsletter of Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology
Comprehens| Comprehensive Urban Studies
Computatio| Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science
Computer  | The Bulletin of the Institute of Computer Sciences Kyoto Sangyo University
Computer  | Computer Software - JSSST Journal
Computer  | Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry
Computer  | Journal of Computer Aided Diagnosis of Medical Images
Computer  | Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan
Conference| International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar: Proceedings
Conference| International Conference on Vocational Guidance at Ashiya University: Final Report
Conference| Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries : Research and Practice : Kyoto DL 2000 ; Proceedings
Congress  | AAAP Animal Science Congress : Proceedings
Constructi| Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering: Transactions of AIJ
Contempora| Contemporary Society
Contempora| Hiroshima Journal of Contemporary Sociology
Contributi| Contributions to the Fisheries Researches in the Japan Sea Block
Control   | Rust Prevention & Control
Control   | Systems, Control and Information
Control   | Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Cooperatio| Journal of International Cooperation in Education
Cooperatio| Journal of International Cooperation Studies
Cooperatio| Journal of International Development and Cooperation
Coral     | Galaxea, Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society
Cosmica   | Cosmica : Annual Report on Area Studies
Cost      | The Journal of Cost Accounting Research
Creation  | International Journal of Environmental Creation
Cross-Cult| Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies
Cultural  | Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University
Cultural  | Bulletin of the Institute for Cultural Studies of the Seto Inland Sea
Cultural  | Cultural Information Resources : Bulletin of the Faculty of Cultural Information Resources, Surugadai University
Cultural  | The Cultural Review
Cultural  | The Cultural Review
Cultural  | Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
Cultural  | International Christian University Publications 3-A. Asian Cultural Studies
Cultural  | International Cultural Studies
Cultural  | The Journal of Cultural Sciences
Cultural  | The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences
Cultural  | Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology. Cultural science
Cultural  | Nihon University GSSC Journal ; the Bulletin of the Graduate School and Cultural Studies, Nihon University
Cultural  | Paideia : The Journal of Cultural Science
Culture   | AOI ; Review of the Institute of Japanese Culture on Kyoto Sangyo University
Culture   | Annual report of Graduate Division of Human Culture
Culture   | Bulletin of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University = Studies in Language and Culture 
Culture   | Bulletin [Institute of Christian Culture / Oriental Religions]
Culture   | Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
Culture   | Bulletin of Institute for Women's History & Culture
Culture   | Bulletin of Meisei University ; Department of Arts School of Japanese Culture
Culture   | Bulletin of Niigata University of International and Information Studies, Department of Information Culture
Culture   | Comparative Culture ; the Journal of Miyazaki International College
Culture   | Culture
Culture   | Doshisha Studies in Language and Culture
Culture   | Hokkai Gakuen University Studies in Culture
Culture   | International Christian University Publications IV-B. Humanities ; Christianity and Culture
Culture   | Journal of Language and Culture
Culture   | The Journal of the Study of Modern Society and Culture
Culture   | Language and Culture
Culture   | Mathesis Universalis : Bulletin of the Department of Language and Culture
Culture   | Osaka University Journal of Language and Culture
Culture   | Papers in Language, Thought and Culture Seisen University Graduate School
Culture   | Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture
Culture   | Studies in Language and Culture
Culture   | Studies in Language and Culture
Culture   | Studies in Language and Culture = Bulletin of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University
Culture   | Studies in Language and Culture : Journal of the Society of Studies in Language Culture
Culture   | Tokyo Women's Christian University Studies in Language and Culture
Culture,  | The Journal of Language and Culture, Toyo University
Culture,  | The Tsuda Review : The Journal of the Department of English-Literature, Language, Culture, and Communication
Culture;  | Sciences and Culture; The Journal of Tokyo Engineering University
Cultures  | The Journal of Ainu and Pacific Rim Cultures
Cultures  | Journal of Comparative Cultures
Cultures  | Meikai Journal Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Cultures  | Papers on Languages and Cultures
Culutuum  | Studium ; Linguarum et Culutuum Mundi
Current   | Annual Report on Current Population Estimates
Currents  | Thought Currents in English Literature
Cycles    | Business Cycles in Japan and U.S.A.
Cytochemic| Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica
Cytogeneti| Cytologia : International Journal of Cytogenetics and Cell Biology
Cytologia | Cytologia : International Journal of Cytogenetics and Cell Biology