
Free Software for Siemens X-ray Diffractometer 2

Siemens XRD system on MS-DOS system

File Converter from RAW data, 'Raw_asc3'.

RAW file conversion; Coded in English

This converter changes the .RAW binary file which stored originally in Siemens XRD system (D-5000), to the another 3 format of ASCII Data-Files on MS-DOS.:

  1. Plane ASCII file (.XRY)
    After the conversion, you will get the following '.XRY' file, which you can edit in your favarite graphic softwares or table calculators for the better presentation. For example, Excel, FigP and Sma4Win. All measured data are sorted by 2-theta vs Intensities without line header. The below is the example after the conversion of binary data file 'Tq1.raw'. Your will see the full example file in 'Tq1.xry'.

     26.500    10.00
     26.510    11.00
     26.520     9.00
    ....Skip about 100 lines....
     27.060    19.00
     27.070    13.00
     27.080    14.00
     27.090    11.00
    The former version of this converter 'Raw_asc2' was fitted with FigP native format, but its recent version did not open a new native format. Therefore this 'Raw_asc3' was eraced in this function, but added as plane ASCII format.
  2. AutoCAD ASCII data file (.DXF)
    After the conversion, you will get the following '.DXF' file, which you can edit in the famous CAD software AUTOCAD for the better presentation. All measured data are sorted in 2-Dimensional space in 3-D format. The axis are automatically added. The below is the example after the conversion of binary data file 'Tq1.raw'. Your will see the full example file in 'Tq1.dxf'. The readability was checked in AutoCAD ver.10 in German version. If your favarite CAD software can understand this international format DXF, why don't you try it!

    USAGE: You may impose several X-ray patterns in 3-Dimesional space, and rotate them as the group in AutoCAD syber space. Its functionality is excellent. For example, temperature change of XRD, or fiber structured patterns are nicely displayable.

  3. Normalized intensity data file for Diffrac (.RAW)
    After the conversion, you will get the new '.RAW' file, which is normalized in intensity.

    USAGE: This file is suitable for the detailed analysis using Diffrac program. My collegue informed me that this kind function has been added in the latest Siemens software. Then you may forget this function!

WARNING * FOR DOWNLOAD: In our old server, we are sorry that anonymous FTP server program is not available. Please use your function such as "SAVE AS .." commands in your plauza.

  1. Raw_asc3.bas (35kB)
    source PROGRAM; ASCII Text for MS-DOS-Quick BASIC. Not necessary item for executing. If you can not download the following 'Raw_asc3.exe' file, please compile this 'Raw_asc3.bas' file in your Quick BASIC. For the Japanese User: Any graphic command speciallized for VGA was not used, but I suggest that the users of NEC-MS-DOS should compile this source by your Quick BASIC on NEC-DOS.
  2. Raw_asc3.exe (66kB)
    executable file (binary); compiled for IBM-PC DOS(German mode), not for NEC-MS-DOS. This file works without any assistance of Quick Basic run-time-library, i.e., stand alone type.
  3. Tq1.raw (1kB)
    RAW file (binary); Sample file measured by Siemens D-5000 XRD System. Not necessary item for executing.
  4. Tq1.xry (2kB)
    XRY file (ASCII); Sample file converted from Tq1.raw. Readable as TEXT file. Not necessary item for executing.
  5. Tq1.dxf (15kB)
    DXF file (ASCII); Sample file converted from Tq1.raw. Readable in AutoCAD. Not necessary item for executing.

UpDated on 24 FEB. 2000. Ryosuke O. SUZUKI, Japanese Page is not ready.
If you find the program error, please let me know.
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