sgc tax consulting office


〒541-0046 大阪市中央区平野町1丁目6番8−303号No.3
(Hiranomachi 1-6-8-303 Go No.3 Chuo Ku Osaka City Osaka, Japan 541-0046)
TEL 06-6203-8802 FAX 06-6203-8803 携帯(Cell) 090-9880-2482




日本では、2023年に健康保険、2024年に運転免許証がマイナンバーと一体化し、国民の多くの情報が国のシステムで一元管理されつつある。 効率化が進むという点では、確定申告も自動化に向かっていると言って良い。 社会保険料、上場株式等、は既に一元管理されているので、後は保険会社とデータを結び付ければ、多くの人は年末調整や確定申告が不要となる。 事業所得等、確定申告自動化に馴染まない所得のみ追加的に申告すれば、確定申告は確定する。
この追加的所得で複雑なものの代表が、日米二国間の所得である。 国は銀行口座、不動産の購入情報をモニターできており、例えば米国で所得があり、日本所得の申告が過少の場合、口座残高大きな動き、不動産の購入情報があれば、直ぐに国が問い合わせする体制になっており、海外からの資産の移動は慎重に実行する必要がある。


代表 福谷重俊


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 My number and Automatization of Tax Return
In Japan, Health Insurance in 2023 and Drivers' License in 2024, are consolidated to My Number, and a lot of information is managed on one governmental system. In view of progress of efficiency, tax returns are heading to automatization. Because Social Insurance, listed stocks, etc. are already consolidated to one system, when data of private insurance are tied, many people can dispense with Annual Salary Adjustments and Tax Returns. Business income, etc. which are not suitable for automatization of tax return, are filed additionally, then, the tax return will be finalized.
 Bilateral incomes in Japan and US
Bilateral incomes in Japan and US are the representative incomes, which should be additionally filed and complicated. Government is monitoring bank accounts, information of purchasing real estates, and for example, when there is an income in US and filed income in Japan which is excessively small, looking at bank accounts and purchasing information of real estates, they will contact soon. Thus, we need to be cautious when transferring assets from abroad.
 Strong Points of our Office
The strength of our office is that we have accumulated experiences and knowledge in correctly filing tax returns in Japan and US, appropriately understanding Japan US tax treaty, tax laws, bylaws, guidelines and practices. Also, we have records that we had successfully supported Government Support, Tax Credit and contributed to the continuation and reconstruction of businesses.

We will provide innovative services, beyond existing concept.  We will be happy if we could contribute to Company Management, Asset Management, and Management&Control as Accounting Advisor or exclusive Certified Public Tax Accountant. Jan 1, 2024.

Representative Shigetoshi Fukutani