
Free Software for Philips X-ray Diffractometer

Philips PC-APD system on MS-DOS system

File Conversion from JCPDS data base to ASCII

Version 1.0
October 1996

PATTERNJ.RPC File Conversion Data Definition File; Coded in English

This converter converts the JCPDS card data base, which was stored originally as PDF-1 format in PC-APD IDENTIFY program, to the another format of ASCII Data-File on MS-DOS.

  1. PC-APD IDENTIFY program can converte the JCPDS card data to ASCII format as shown in the display, and save in a file. However, its ASCII format was defined by the Data Definition File "PATTERN.PRT", and the converted file contained some lazy part. This "PATTERNJ.RPC" is also the Data Definition File, which can work only under PC-APD program. This definition can outout in a short ASCII file (.RPT) from JCPDS card data.

After the conversion, you will get the following ASCII file (.RPT), which can be edited in your favarite graphic software for the better presentation, or transported into table calculater such as EXCEL. All the stored JCPDS data are sorted by d-value, 2-theta, and Intensities after 2 line header. The first header line is JCPDS card number. The second is chemical formula. This version was coded fully in English, which was well confirmed to run in Philips PC-APD IDENTIFY program.

HINT: PATTERNJ.RPC File Conversion Data Definition File should be placed under the same directory where PATTERN.RPC File was set, i.e., \APD\IDENT\ as the default installation.
HINT 2: If you will convert JCPDS data into ASCII file, please select "UTILITY" from "IDENTIFY" menu, and select "REFERENCE DATA". Then, instead of "PATTERN.RPC", you should choose "PATTERNJ.RPC" by typing F5 key. You can display on your PC screen or save as an ASSCII file (.RPT)...

Example : The converted JCPDS file was by PATTERN.RPC as follows....

Reference pattern: 04-0836                                 28-Jan-1997 10:59


Name           : Copper

Name           : Copper, syn

Formula        : Cu

Elements       : Cu

Groups         : --

Subfiles       : Inorganic, Minerals, Alloys, Common phases, NBS patterns, 

                 Forensics, Educational patterns

Pattern deleted: YES

Radiation      : Cu K alpha1

Wavelength     : 1.54056


               | d value |   Angle |Rel.Int.|


               |  2.0880 |  43.297 |   100  |

               |  1.8080 |  50.433 |    46  |

               |  1.2780 |  74.130 |    20  |

....Skip about a few lines because of the autherization....

               |  0.8293 | 136.507 |     9  |

               |  0.8083 | 144.714 |     8  |




Example : The converted JCPDS file was by PATTERNJ.RPC as follows....


Formula        : Cu

  2.0880   43.297    100  

  1.8080   50.433     46  

  1.2780   74.130     20  

....Skip about 200 lines....

  0.8293  136.507      9  

  0.8083  144.714      8  

WARNING * FOR DOWNLOAD: In our old server, we are sorry that anonymous FTP server program is not available. Please use your function such as "SAVE AS .." commands in your plauza.

    source ASCII form for MS-DOS-TEXT. set this file under the "APD\IDENT\" directory.

UpDated on 28 Jan. 1997. Ryosuke O. SUZUKI.
If you find the program error, please let me know.
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