AccessiContact Number EMapj

Town map E Cotucy Number E Consultation hours

1-4-2E3-103, Yurinoki St. Okubo-cho, Akashi-city, Hyogo pre.
Southern side of JR Okubo Station, Western side of Vivre
Eigasima Root of Taco Bus, Akashi-city ; Yurinoki St. 2chome north Bus stop

O's   Town  Medical  Mall
This medical mall contains five clinics. O's Town Medical mall provides ENT, GP, Surgery, Pediatrics, Dentistry and also contains Pharmacy.
TEL 078-935-8733
FAX 078-935-3321
Hours Mon Tur Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
AM 9:30-12:30 › › › ^ › › ^
PM 4:00- 7:00 › › › ^ › › ^

We open at Saturday PM, too.

ClosedEEEThursday/Sunday/National holiday
Our resistration hours are 9:00AM and 3:30PM.
Please bring your insurance on the first visit of every month.
Please inform the front desk any changes to your office or address.
E.N.T.  Doctor's  on  duty  in  Akashi-city


Guidance of the Parkings

Patient's Parking
Please park at the medical exclusive lot, northern side of Yurinoki clinic.
When you approach the main gate, the chain will slide down. 10cars. Free.
When you leave, you need the private coin. After inserting the coin, the chain will remain down for 30 minutes.
If you get a prescription, please get the coin at the pharmacy.
If you don't have one, each clinics give you the coin.
When the lot is full, the chain will slide down.
Times 24h Parking
When the patient's parking is full, please park at the Times 24h Parking lots of Viera.
Each clinic give you a service ticket for 30 minutes.
Please bring the parking ticket. @
How to get the ticket
‡@Imput the parking number @‡APush the settled button @ ‡BPush the ticket button@
Appearance of Viera  Entrance of Viera
