Real heavenly bodies that appear in YAMATO

Yamato great space route chart (VRML)

[star] [art] [music]

I will use the image of NASA and the image of Mr. Mumaziri's heavenly body photograph pavilions by the image here.
When the image is clicked, the expansion projection is done.
Additionally, please teach that you knows the place with the image in the way. (^^;)
Sun 203k
Mercury 16k
Venus 24k
Earth 224k Moon 106k
Mars 83k The vicinity of Mars of pole crown
Planetoid belt 96k Ikarus
Jupiter 96k Ganymede 192k
Saturn 27k Rhea Dione Titan 104k Hyperion 5k Iapetus 86k Phoebe 8k Cassini's Gap
Uranus 175k
Neptune 29k
Pluto & Moon47k "Wildstar,this is Pluto's map.
The Kuiper Belt 109k(corresponds to outskirts it is possible to become of the 10th planet in Yamato.)

Centaurus A star
Bernard star
Swan seat. The 61st swan seat star
Loss 154
Three-star of orion seat A star (betelgeuse) orion seat
Magellanic stream
The Galaxy
Large Magellan cloud
Small Magellan cloud
Andromeda nebula
Dragon seat galaxy
M33 2,500,000 light-years
Sextant seat C Galaxy
Maiden seat

Though it is not a star to which appeared as follows
Black hole
Red giant star
The double Galaxy
M1678 eployment star cluster
gravity nebula(M1 Model of gravity nebula)
White Comet(West Comet)
Mark where planet bomb drops (Baringer meteorite hole )

Recommendation heavenly phenomena and relation links
The Nine Planets
Numaziri's Heavenly body photograph pavilion

I'm waiting for your mail.

Retern to YAMATO Home Page By DEZAHL