One Point English


* 空港にて

  1. What is the purpose of your visit to America?         (旅の目的は?)
    I came here for sightseeing. /  I'm here on business.   (観光です。/ビジネスです。)
  2. How long are you staying here? / About 5days.        (何日滞在しますか。/5日です。)
  3. Do you have anything to declare?               (申告するものがありますか。) 
    No,I have nothing to declare./ Here you are.        (何もありません。/はいこれです。)
  4. Excuse me,I can't find my baggage./My suitcase isn't here.  (バックがない。)
  5. Where can I pick up my suitcase?              (手荷物受取所はどこですか。?)
  6. Let's see your baggage checks.                 (手荷物預り証を見せて下さい。)
    I have them right here.                    (はい、ここにあります。)
  7. What is the schedule for the airport buses to         (ダウンタウン行きのバス時刻は?)
    the downtown area?
  8. Where can I catch the airport bus?             (バス乗り場はどこ?)
  9. When are you leaving?                    (何時に出発ですか?)
  10. Excuse me.I want to page my friend.            (友達を見失った。呼出して下さい。)
    May I ask you to page Mr.Kenji Suzuki?
  11. Excuse me.Where is the rest room? /May I use rest room?   (トイレはどこ?)
  12. Could you recommend a hotel that is nice and inexpensive?  (どこかに値頃でいいホテルない?)
    I'd like a hotel which is not far from the center of   (市内から離れていなくて便利なホテルは?)
    city and convenient.
  13. Where can I reserve a hotel room?               (予約できるホテルはどこ?)


  1. Do you have any rooms for tonight?              (部屋は有りますか?)
  2. How much is a single/twin?                 (シングル/ツインはいくらですか?)
  3. Do you have anything inexpensive?              (もっと安いものは有りませんか?)
  4. Do you have any idea where I could find a room?       (どこかに、いい部屋はないですか?)
  5. Does the room have a bathroom?               (風呂はついていますか?)
  6. I made a resevation.My name is Kenji Suzuki.        (予約したものです。)
  7. What time is check-out here?                (チェックアウトは何時ですか?)
  8. Here's a tip for you.                    (チップです。)
  9. Please tell me where the restrant is.             (レストランはどこ?)
  10. Can I see tthe menu?                     (メニューを見せて下さい。) 
  11. Will you take my order?                   (注文をお願いします。)
  12. Can I make another order?                  (追加注文をお願いします。)   
  13. Could you bring me a napkin?                 (お手拭きをください。) 
  14. May I have the key for 1314,please?             (1314号室の鍵を下さい。)
  15. Do they sell maps at the hotel?               (ホテルに地図は売っていますか?)
  16. Please make a morning call at 6 tomorrow morning       (モーニングコールをお願いします)
  17. Please transrate the English sentence into Japanese.     (英文を日本語に訳してください。)
  18. Could you give me a receipt?                 (領収書をください。) 
  19. Can you call a Taxi for me?                 (タクシーを呼んで下さい。)

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