170 - 179


The smallest squares containing k 170's :
170569 = 4132,
17081705809 = 1306972,
1704017017027081 = 412797412.

The square root of 170 is 13.0384048..., 132 = 02 + 32 + 82 + 42 + 02 + 42 + 82.

1702 = (12 + 1)(22 + 1)(42 + 1)(132 + 1)
= (12 + 1)(32 + 1)(382 + 1) = (32 + 1)(42 + 1)(132 + 1).

1702 = (12 + 1)(22 + 1)(42 + 1)(132 + 1) = (12 + 1)(32 + 1)(382 + 1) = (12 + 4)(762 + 4)
= (12 + 4)(82 + 4)(92 + 4) = (32 + 1)(42 + 1)(132 + 1) = (52 + 9)(292 + 9).

(22 + 8)(492 + 8) = (1702 + 8).

170k + 370k + 830k + 1130k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (502, 14602, 455002).
46k + 170k + 202k + 258k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (262, 3722, 55162).
49k + 98k + 170k + 212k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (232, 2932, 39372).

Komachi equations:
1702 = 12 * 22 + 342 * 52 - 62 + 72 + 82 - 92 = - 12 * 22 + 342 * 52 + 62 - 72 - 82 + 92.

1702 + 1712 + 1722 + ... + 4662 = 56762.

(1 + 2 + ... + 5)(6 + 7 + ... + 104)(105 + 106 + ... + 170) = 272252,
(1 + 2 + ... + 9)(10 + 11 + ... + 15)(16 + 17 + ... + 170) = 69752,
(1 + 2 + ... + 9)(10 + 11 + ... + 104)(105 + 106 + ... + 170) = 470252,
(1 + 2 + ... + 9)(10 + 11 + ... + 159)(160 + 161 + ... + 170) = 321752,
(1 + 2 + ... + 21)(22 + 23 + ... + 77)(78 + 79 + ... + 170) = 859322,
(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 79)(80 + 81 + ... + 170) = 1023752,
(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 90)(91 + 92 + ... + 170) = 1131002,
(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 144)(145 + 146 + ... + 170) = 1160252,
(1 + 2 + ... + 26)(27)(28 + 29 + ... + 170) = 115832,
(1 + 2 + ... + 27)(28 + 29 + ... + 126)(127 + 128 + ... + 170) = 1372142,
(1 + 2 + ... + 32)(33 + 34 + ... + 71)(72 + 73 + ... + 170) = 1132562,
(1 + 2 + ... + 32)(33 + 34 + ... + 77)(78 + 79 + ... + 170) = 1227602,
(1 + 2 + ... + 47)(48 + 49 + ... + 123)(124 + 125 + ... + 170) = 2250362,
(1 + 2 + ... + 49)(50 + 51 + ... + 71)(72 + 73 + ... + 170) = 1397552,
(1 + 2 + ... + 90)(91 + 92 + ... + 104)(105 + 106 + ... + 170) = 2252252,
(1 + 2 + ... + 117)(118)(119 + 120 + ... + 170) = 782342,
(1 + 2 + ... + 152)(153 + 154 + ... + 170) = 58142.

(13 + 23 + ... + 1523)(1533 + 1543 + ... + 1703) = 1014077882.

1702 = 28900 appears in the decimal expressions of π and e:
  π = 3.14159•••28900••• (from the 39660th digit),
  e = 2.71828•••28900••• (from the 14989th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 12, 2004 ; Last Revised November 30, 2013
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 171's :
17161 = 1312,
191711716 = 138462,
17117127171225 = 41372852.

1712 = 29241, a zigzag square.

1712 = 29241, 2 + 9 + 24 + 1 = 62,
1712 = 29241, 29 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 62.

1712 + 1722 + 1732 + ... + 1802 = 1812 + 1822 + 1832 + ... + 1892.

A cubic polynomial : (X + 642)(X + 1712)(X + 4322) = X3 + 4692X2 + 796322X + 47278082.

(12 + 9)(542 + 9) = (1712 + 9),
(12 + 9)(542 + 9) = (1712 + 9),
(22 + 9)(42 + 9)(92 + 9) = (1712 + 9).

12812 = 502 + 512 + 522 + ... + 1712.

266k + 6232k + 10070k + 12673k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (1712, 173472, 18161912).
1330k + 8417k + 8626k + 10868k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (1712, 162832, 15887612).
2812k + 4940k + 8056k + 13433k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (1712, 166632, 17577092).

Komachi equation: 1712 = 9 + 87 * 6 / 5 * 4 / 3 * 210.

Four 3-by-3 magic squares consisting of different squares with constant 1712:


(1)(2 + 3 + ... + 52)(53 + 54 + ... + 171) = 42842,
(1 + 2 + 3)(4 + 5 + ... + 108)(109 + 110 + ... + 171) = 176402,
(1 + 2 + ... + 15)(16 + 17 + ... + 24)(25 + 26 + ... + 171) = 176402,
(1 + 2 + ... + 15)(16 + 17 + ... + 80)(81 + 82 + ... + 171) = 655202,
(1 + 2 + ... + 15)(16 + 17 + ... + 83)(84 + 85 + ... + 171) = 673202,
(1 + 2 + ... + 15)(16 + 17 + ... + 108)(109 + 110 + ... + 171) = 781202,
(1 + 2 + ... + 17)(18 + 19 + ... + 52)(53 + 54 + ... + 171) = 499802,
(1 + 2 + ... + 23)(24 + 25 + ... + 161)(162 + 163 + ... + 171) = 765902,
(1 + 2 + ... + 49)(50 + 51 + 52)(53 + 54 + ... + 171) = 499802,
(1 + 2 + ... + 80)(81 + 82 + ... + 143)(144 + 145 + ... + 171) = 3175202,
(1 + 2 + ... + 93)(94 + 95 + ... + 140)(141 + 142 + ... + 171) = 3409382.

13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + ... + 183 = 1712.

(13 + 23 + ... + 153)(163 + 173 + ... + 753)(763 + 773 + ... + 1713) = 49297248002,
(13 + 23 + ... + 493)(503 + 513 + ... + 1293)(1303 + 1313 + ... + 1713) = 1227633015002.

1712 = 29241 appears in the decimal expression of e:
  e = 2.71828•••29241••• (from the 4444th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 12, 2004 ; Last Revised February 15, 2011
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 172's :
172225 = 4152,
317231721 = 178112,
172831172161729 = 131465272.

1722 = 29584, a zigzag square with different digits.

1722± 3 are primes.

1722 = 29584, 2 + 9 + 5 + 84 = 102.

34k + 82k + 98k + 110k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (182, 1722, 16922).

Komachi equation: 1722 = 987 * 6 * 5 - 4 - 32 + 10.

(42 + 8)(352 + 8) = (1722 + 8).

1722 = 272 + 292 + 312 + 332 + 352 + 372 + ... + 572.

1722 + 1732 + 1742 + ... + 7102 = 108572.

(1 + 2 + ... + 9)(10 + 11 + ... + 22)(23 + 24 + ... + 172) = 117002,
(1 + 2 + ... + 18)(19 + 20 + ... + 37)(38 + 39 + ... + 172) = 359102,
(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 91)(92 + 93 + ... + 172) = 1158302,
(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 100)(101 + 102 + ... + 172) = 1228502,
(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 142)(143 + 144 + ... + 172) = 1228502,
(1 + 2 + ... + 27)(28 + 29 + ... + 147)(148 + 149 + ... + 172) = 1260002,
(1 + 2 + ... + 32)(33 + 34 + ... + 47)(48 + 49 + ... + 172) = 660002,
(1 + 2 + ... + 39)(40 + 41 + ... + 55)(56 + 57 + ... + 172) = 889202,
(1 + 2 + ... + 48)(49 + 50 + ... + 87)(88 + 89 + ... + 172) = 1856402,
(1 + 2 + ... + 109)(110 + 111 + ... + 154)(155 + 156 + ... + 172) = 3237302,
(1 + 2 + ... + 114)(115)(116 + 117 + ... + 172) = 786602.

1722 = 29584 appears in the decimal expression of e:
  e = 2.71828•••29584••• (from the 93771st digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 12, 2004 ; Last Revised January 13, 2014
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 173's :
173056 = 4162,
5217317361 = 722312,
1173963173817316 = 342631462.

1732 = 29929, with 2 kinds of digits.

1732 = 29929, 2 + 9 + 9 * 2 * 9 = 2 + 9 * 9 * 2 + 9 = 2 * 9 * 9 + 2 + 9 = 173.

1732 = 29929, 2 + 9 + 9 + 29 = 72,
1732 = 29929, 29 + 9 + 2 + 9 = 72.

Komachi Fraction : 1732 = 9158274/306.

173k + 245k + 397k + 629k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (382, 8022, 182022).

A 3-by-3 magic square consisting of different squares with constant 1732:


(32 - 4)(52 - 4)(172 - 4) = (1732 - 4),
(132 - 9)(142 - 9) = (1732 - 9).

10552 = 1242 + 1252 + 1262 + ... + 1732.

(1 + 2 + ... + 8)(9 + 10 + ... + 96)(97 + 98 + ... + 173) = 415802,
(1 + 2 + ... + 34)(35 + 36 + ... + 169)(170 + 171 + 172 + 173) = 749702.

1732 = 29929 appears in the decimal expression of π and e:
  π = 3.14159•••29929••• (from the 1101706th digit)
  e = 2.71828•••29929••• (from the 134592nd digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 12, 2004 ; Last Revised February 15, 2011
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 174's :
17424 = 1322,
17417400625 = 1319752,
117471174681744 = 108384122.

1742 = 30276, a square with different digits.

1742 = (12 + 5)(712 + 5).

58k + 7018k + 10034k + 13166k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (1742, 179802, 19073882).

Komachi equations:
1742 = - 1 * 234 + 5 * 678 * 9,
1742 = 92 * 872 / 62 * 52 * 42 / 32 * 22 / 102 = 92 * 872 / 62 / 52 * 42 / 32 / 22 * 102.

12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 1742 = 1771175, which consists of 3 kinds of odd digits (the 2nd 7-digit sum. Cf. 149).

1742 = 30276, 3 + 0 + 2 + 76 = 92,
1742 = 30276, 3 + 0 + 27 + 6 = 62.

(62 - 8)(332 - 8) = (132 - 8)(142 - 8) = (1742 - 8).

(1 + 2 + ... + 14)(15 + 16 + ... + 174) = 12602.

(1 + 2 + ... + 168)(169 + 170 + 171 + 172 + 173 + 174) = 38222.

1742 = 30276 appears in the decimal expressions of π and e:
  π = 3.14159•••30276••• (from the 9520th digit),
  e = 2.71828•••30276••• (from the 3275th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 12, 2004 ; Last Revised November 30, 2013
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 175's :
175561 = 4192,
1751757316 = 418542,
261751757417536 = 161787442.

1752 = 30625, a zigzag square with different digits.

1752 = 30625, 3 + 0 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 42.

Komachi equations:
1752 = 92 * 82 * 72 / 62 * 52 / 42 / 32 / 22 * 102
  = 92 / 82 * 72 / 62 * 52 * 42 / 32 * 22 * 102 = 982 / 72 * 62 * 52 / 42 / 32 / 22 * 102
  = 982 / 72 / 62 * 52 / 42 * 32 * 22 * 102.

Three 3-by-3 magic squares consisting of different squares with constant 1752:


(12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 1752) = 1801800, which consists of 3 kinds of digits.

(12 + 2)(92 + 2)(112 + 2) = (1752 + 2),
(12 + 3)(42 + 3)(202 + 3) = (1752 + 3),
(132 - 7)(142 - 7) = (1752 - 7),
(42 - 7)(52 - 7)(142 - 7) = (1752 - 7).

1752 + 1762 + 1772 + ... + 5122 = 65652,
1752 + 1762 + 1772 + ... + 55032 = 2357172.

(1 + 2 + ... + 23)(24 + 25 + ... + 123)(124 + 125 + ... + 175) = 1255802,
(1 + 2 + ... + 49)(50 + 51 + ... + 112)(113 + 114 + ... + 175) = 2381402,
(1 + 2 + ... + 55)(56 + 57 + ... + 175) = 46202,
(1 + 2 + ... + 92)(93 + 94 + ... + 123)(124 + 125 + ... + 175) = 3336842,
(1 + 2 + ... + 147)(148)(149 + 150 + ... + 175) = 839162.

1752 = 30625 appears in the decimal expression of e:
  e = 2.71828•••30625••• (from the 115429th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 20, 2004 ; Last Revised April 23, 2010
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 176's :
1764 = 422,
176252176 = 132762,
11762711761761 = 34296812.

The squares which begin with 176 and end in 176 are
176252176 = 132762,   17615660176 = 1327242,   17629466176 = 1327762,
176168236176 = 4197242,   176211890176 = 4197762,...

1762 = 30976, a square with different digits.

1762 = 30976, 3 + 0 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 52.

1762 = (22 + 7)(32 + 7)(132 + 7) = (22 + 7)(52 + 7)(92 + 7) = (22 + 7)(532 + 7) = (52 + 7)(312 + 7).

2090k + 8074k + 8558k + 12254k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (1762, 171162, 17327202).
5698k + 6622k + 8338k + 10318k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (1762, 158842, 14674882).

(132 - 6)(142 - 6) = (1762 - 6),
(42 - 6)(52 - 6)(132 - 6) = (1762 - 6).

(1 + 2 + ... + 23)(24 + 25 + ... + 68)(69 + 70 + ... + 176) = 869402,
(1 + 2 + ... + 28)(29 + 30 + ... + 55)(56 + 57 + ... + 176) = 803882,
(1 + 2 + ... + 42)(43 + 44 + ... + 47)(48 + 49 + ... + 176) = 541802,
(1 + 2 + ... + 42)(43 + 44 + ... + 167)(168 + 169 + ... + 176) = 1354502,
(1 + 2 + ... + 104)(105 + 106 + ... + 111)(112 + 113 + ... + 176) = 1965602.

(13 + 23 + ... + 553)(563 + 573 + ... + 1753)(1763) = 550970112002.

1762 = 30976 appears in the decimal expressions of π and e:
  π = 3.14159•••30976••• (from the 27784th digit),
  e = 2.71828•••30976••• (from the 108287th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 20, 2004 ; Last Revised November 30, 2013
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 177's :
177241 = 4212,
10177177924 = 1008822,
17751778917796 = 42132862.

1772 = 31329, 31 * 3 * 2 - 9 = 177.

1772 = 31329, a zigzag square.

1772 = 31329, 3 + 1 + 3 + 29 = 62,
1772 = 31329, 3 + 132 + 9 = 122,
1772 = 31329, 313 + 2 + 9 = 182.

1772 = 74 + 84 + 84 + 124.

48k + 177k + 186k + 1614k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (452, 16352, 649352).

Komachi Fraction : 1772 = 2537649/81.

Komachi equations:
1772 = 9 + 87 / 6 * 5 * 432 * 1 = 9 + 87 / 6 * 5 * 432 / 1.

Three 3-by-3 magic squares consisting of different squares with constant 1772:


(132 - 5)(142 - 5) = (1772 - 5).

(1 + 2 + ... + 25)(26 + 27 + ... + 82)(83 + 84 + ... + 177) = 1111502,
(1 + 2 + ... + 44)(45 + 46 + ... + 65)(66 + 67 + ... + 177) = 1247402.

(13 + 23 + ... + 1173)(1183 + 1193 + ... + 1773) = 977464802.

1772 = 31329 appears in the decimal expression of e:
  e = 2.71828•••31329••• (from the 17900th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 20, 2004 ; Last Revised February 15, 2011
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 178's :
178084 = 4222,
17844417889 = 1335832,
1781787178310841 = 422112212.

1782 = 31684, a square with different digits.

1782 = 31684, 31 + 6 + 8 + 4 = 72,
1782 = 31684, 31 + 6 + 84 = 112,
1782 = 31684, 316 + 84 = 202.

1782 = 14 + 74 + 114 + 114.

178k + 242k + 494k + 850k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (422, 10282, 274682).

Komachi Fraction : (19/178)2 = 6498/570312.

Komachi equations:
1782 = 122 / 32 * 42 / 562 * 72 * 892,
1782 = 95 - 85 + 75 - 65 + 55 + 45 - 35 * 25 - 15.

(132 - 4)(142 - 4) = (1782 - 4).

1782 + 1792 + 1802 + ... + 3612 = 37262.

(1 + 2)(3 + 4 + ... + 46)(47 + 48 + ... + 178) = 69302,
(1 + 2 + 3)(4 + 5 + ... + 16)(17 + 18 + ... + 178) = 35102,
(1 + 2 + ... + 28)(29 + 30 + ... + 115)(116 + 117 + ... + 178) = 1534682,
(1 + 2 + ... + 80)(81 + 82 + ... + 161)(162 + 163 + ... + 178) = 3029402.

1782 = 31684 appears in the decimal expression of e:
  e = 2.71828•••31684••• (from the 105398th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 20, 2004 ; Last Revised February 15, 2011
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan


The smallest squares containing k 179's :
17956 = 1342,
17917964164 = 1338582,
317981793217936 = 178320442.

1792 = 32041, a square with different digits.

1792 = 32041, 33 + 23 + 03 + 43 + 13 = 102,
1792 = 32041, 3 + 20 + 41 = 82,
1792 = 32041, 320 + 41 = 192.

1792 = 253 + 25 + 47.

(12 + 22 + 32 + ... + 1792) = 1927830, which consists of different digits.

Komachi equations:
1792 = 92 - 82 + 762 + 542 * 32 + 22 */ 12 = 92 - 82 + 762 + 542 * 32 + 22 / 12.

Komachi Square Sum : 1792 = 22 + 42 + 382 + 792 + 1562.

Two 3-by-3 magic squares consisting of different squares with constant 1792:


(132 - 3)(142 - 3) = (1792 - 3),
(32 + 4)(52 + 4)(92 + 4) = (1792 + 4),
(42 + 5)(392 + 5) = (1792 + 5),
(102 - 9)(192 - 9) = (1792 - 9).

(1 + 2 + ... + 18)(19 + 20 + ... + 27)(28 + 29 + ... + 179) = 235982,
(1 + 2 + ... + 38)(39 + 40 + ... + 132)(133 + 134 + ... + 179) = 2089622,
(1 + 2 + ... + 49)(50 + 51 + ... + 54)(55 + 56 + ... + 179) = 682502,
(1 + 2 + ... + 62)(63 + 64 + ... + 161)(162 + 163 + ... + 179) = 2577962,
(1 + 2 + ... + 71)(72 + 73 + ... + 104)(105 + 106 + ... + 179) = 2811602,
(1 + 2 + ... + 87)(88 + 89 + ... + 168)(169 + 170 + ... + 179) = 2756162.

1792 = 32041 appears in the decimal expression of e:
  e = 2.71828•••32041••• (from the 114044th digit)

Page of Squares : First Upload July 20, 2004 ; Last Revised September 6, 2011
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan