Chrissie Heughan
George Donald Stephen Hunter Joan Smith
Chrissie Heughan in Mino work Gallery Antonia Palmer Oliver Reed
Chrissie Heughan in Mino
eca Summer School で教えられた先生方の作品紹介ページです
  ★ Chrissie Heughan
 クリッシーは、サマースクール指導教員で2004 Summer Schoolでは、「ブックアートコース」
  'Book Art'を担当されます。彼女はCCSでも長年教えられてました。
 NEW ☆Book Arts Week 2: 19-23 july introductory/basic
 Increasingly artists are revisiting the art of the book as a unique mode of expression in its 

 own right and finding novel ways to combine illustration, calligraphy, papers and creative 
 binding. Previously available only as a weekend option, this exciting Book Arts course is 
 offered now as a summer school week. Working with specialist tutors in different disciplines,
 you will learn a range of skills. By the end of the course you will have a distinctive, hand-
 made artefact which combines several techniques.
  ★ 和紙作りと日本での体験 (Chrissie Heughan)
 In 2001 I was awarded a bursary from the Japanese Cultural
 affairs to live in Mino, Gifu Prefecture and study washi (paper)
 for three months. I flew out on September 11 and was met 
 at Nagoya International Airport by a lovely welcoming group of
 Mino people. I stayed with the Wakahara family in Mino.
 Mino means the 'Heart of japan' and is on the middle island 
 called Honshu.Kineko Wakahara cooked beautiful Japanese 
 food and took me out to many sushi restaurants and visits to
 Nagoya to the paper Gallery.
 There were four other international artists plus a Japanese 

 artist fromKyoto. We all had a bicycle and an umbrella to keep
 out the sun (and rain sometimes). We were taught traditional
 Japanese paper making by a maestro papermaker at the Mino
 Washi Museum where I learnt how to mix and work with Kozo 
 fibres which are from the mulberry family. I have great memori
 es of working outside in the 'Udatsu' garden pouring Kozo onto
 large screens and letting the paper dry in the sun whilst listen-
 ing to the birds singing, insects buzzing and the chatter of the
 village people. I kept a sketchbook in which I drew daily of my 
 surroundings; mountains, the rivers, houses, people and temples.
 I visited many shrines and temples and also travelled to Kana-

 zawa to look at the famous garden there and fish market and the
 golden temples there. Itravelled on the bullet train to Tokyo so 
 that I could see Mount Fuji (Fujisan) which is magnificent and
 very elegant too. I also visited Kyoto when the maple leaves 
 were red and yellow. I found Sanju-Sangen-Do which is the 
 oldest and longest wooden temple in Japan with 1001 golden
 Buddhist deities.
Chrissie Heughan エディンバラ・カレッジ・オブ・アート・サマースクール指導教員Chrissie Heughan Udatsu Garden'
Title: 'Udatsu Garden'
 (Mino, Japan 2001)

( Hand-cast Kozo paper)
 Artist:Christine Heughan
Photographer:Aliki Sapountzi
(C)Artist: Christine Heughan
Chrissie Heughan in Mino
Chrissie Heughan-gallery