List of Keyword in Japanese journal Title
-- N --

NCTAM     | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan ; Proceedings of NCTAM Japan
NHK       | NHK Monthly Report on Broadcast Research
NII       | NII Journal
NIRA      | NIRA : National Institute for Research Advancement
NPO       | The Nonprofit Review ; the Journal of the Japan NPO Research Association
NRLM      | Bulletin of NRLM (National Research Laboratory of Metrology)
Nagaoka   | Technical Report of the Technological University of Nagaoka
Nagasaki  | Bulletin of Faculty of Education Nagasaki University ; natural science
Nagasaki  | The Bulletin of Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science
Nagasaki  | Bulletin of the Research Institute of Regional Area Study, Nagasaki Wesleyan University
Nagasaki  | Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences Nagasaki University
Nagasaki  | Journal of the Faculty of Global Communication, Siebold University of Nagasaki
Nagasaki  | Journal of Nagasaki Prefectural Women's Junior College
Nagasaki  | Nagasaki Medical Journal
Nagasaki  | Nagasaki Prefectural University Journal
Nagasaki  | Reports of the Faculty of Engineering Nagasaki University
Nagasaki  | Science Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University
Nagasaki  | Transactions of the Nagasaki Biological Society
Nagasakien| Acta Medica Nagasakiensia
Nagoya    | Bulletin of Faculty of Commerce Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration
Nagoya    | Bulletin of Nagoya College
Nagoya    | Bulletin / Nagoya College of Art & Design
Nagoya    | Bulletin of Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya    | Bulletin of the Nagoya University Museum
Nagoya    | The Journal of Earth and Planetary Sciences Nagoya University
Nagoya    | Memoirs of the School of Engineering Nagoya University
Nagoya    | Summaries of Researchers Using AMS at Nagoya University
Nanotechno| E-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology
Nanzan    | Academia ; Journal of the Nanzan Academic Society
Nanzan    | Bulletin of the Nanzan Centre for European Studies
Nanzan    | The Nanzan Journal of Economic Studies
Nanzan    | Nanzan Journal of Theological Studies
Nanzan    | Nanzan Management Review
Nanzan    | Nanzan Review of American Studies ; Journal of the Center for American Studies Nanzan University
Nara      | Bulletin of Nara Sangyo University
Naruto    | Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Education
Naruto    | Naruto English Studies
Naruto    | Research Bulletin of Human and Social Sciences Naruto University of Teacher Education
National  | Annual Report Institute of National Medicine Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
National  | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Yokohama National University
National  | Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University
National  | Bulletin of Liberal Arts & Sciences of the National Defense Medical College
National  | Bulletin of the National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
National  | Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology
National  | Bulletin of National Research Institute Aquaculture
National  | Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture, suppl.
National  | Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Ser. A, Zoology
National  | Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Ser. C, Geology & Paleontology
National  | Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Ser. D, Anthropology
National  | The Educational Sciences : Journal of the Yokohama National University
National  | Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station Farm Management Research
National  | Journal of the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences Yokohama National University
National  | Journal of the National Defense Medical College
National  | Journal of National Fisheries University
National  | NIRA : National Institute for Research Advancement
National  | National Accounts Quarterly
National  | National Science Museum Monographs
National  | Publications of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
National  | Research Reports of Ichinoseki National College of Technology
National  | Science Reports of the Yokohama National University
National  | Science Reports of the Yokohama National University. Section 1, Mathematics, physics and chemistry
Natural   | Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History
Natural   | Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History
Natural   | The Bulletin of Research Institute of Natural Sciences
Natural   | Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Natural science
Natural   | Bulletin, Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. Natural science series
Natural   | Journal of the College of Dairying. Natural science
Natural   | Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts Yamaguchi University : Natural Sciences
Natural   | Journal of Rakuno Gakuen University ; Natural Science
Natural   | Journal of Sugiyama Jogakuen University ; Natural Sciences
Natural   | Kwansei Gakuin University Natural Sciences Review
Natural   | Memoirs of Osaka Electro-communication University ; Natural Science
Natural   | Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University. Ser. III, Natural science and applied science
Natural   | The Natural Resource Economic Review
Natural   | Research Bulletin of Obihiro University ; Natural science
Nature    | Journal of Ibaraki Christian University ; Social and Nature Sciences
Nature    | Nature - People - Society : Science and the Humanities
Naval     | Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan
Near      | Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
Nerve     | Brain and Nerve
Neurologia| Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica
Neuropsych| Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology
New       | Insecta Matsumurana New Series
News      | Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University News Letter
News      | [The Japan Foundation] News
News      | Mainichi Daily News
News      | Ryukyu Shimpo Internet Weekly News
Newsletter| CGP Newsletter
Newsletter| DPRI Newsletter
Newsletter| Newsletter of Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology
Newsletter| Nichibunken Newsletter
Newsletter| Nichibunken Newsletter
Nichibunke| Nichibunken Newsletter
Nichibunke| Nichibunken Newsletter
Nihon     | Bulletin of Economic Science Institute College of Economics Nihon University
Nihon     | Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science, College of Economics, Nihon University
Nihon     | Journal of the Judicial Research Institute, Nihon University
Nihon     | Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry
Nihon     | Nihon Fukushi University Journal of Economic Studies
Nihon     | Nihon University GSSC Journal ; the Bulletin of the Graduate School and Cultural Studies, Nihon University
Nihon     | Nihon University Journal of Business
Nihon     | Nihon University Journal of Business ; Humanities and Science Edition
Nihon     | Nihon University Journal of Humanities and Sciences
Nihon     | Report of the Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Nihon University
Nihon     | Report of the Research Institute of Sciences for Living College of International Relations Nihon University
Nihongo   | The Monthly Nihongo
Nihongo   | The Nihongo Journal
Niigata   | Bulletin of the Niigata College of Pharmacy
Niigata   | Bulletin of Niigata Sangyo University Faculty of Economics
Niigata   | Bulletin of Niigata Sangyo University Humanities
Niigata   | Bulletin of Niigata University of International and Information Studies, Department of Information Culture
Niigata   | Science Reports of Niigata University. Series E, (Geology and mineralogy)
Nippon    | Bulletin of Nippon Bunri University
Nippon    | The Bulletin of the Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College
Nippon    | Journal of the Archaeological Society of Nippon
Nippon    | Journal of Nippon Medical School
Nippon    | Nippon Ginko Geppo
Nippon    | Report of Researches, Nippon Institute of Technology
Nishinippo| Memoirs of Nishinippon Institute of Technology ; Humanities and Social Sciences
Nishinippo| Memoirs of Nishinippon Institute of Technology ; Science and Technology
Nitride   | International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors ; Proceedings
Non-Destru| Journal of the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection
Nonprofit | The Nonprofit Review ; the Journal of the Japan NPO Research Association
Norden    | Norden
Northern  | The Northern Review
Notes     | Mathematics Seminar Notes
Novel     | IPAP Virtual Journal of Novel Superconducting Materials
Novitas   | Novitas
Novus     | Abgelus Novus
Nuclear   | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
Nurses'   | Japanese Journal of Nurses' Education
Nutrition | The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition | Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology
Nutritiona| Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology