1.Name Hiroshi Tashiro
2.Age 25
3.Major Business and agriculture
4.call name Hiro
5Good things of MCC Easy!
6.Bad things of MCC not enough Facility
7.Where do you live? Kihei
8.Do you have a car and how much? Yes! $7500
9.What is your favorite class and why? DP101 It is fun to do it!
10.What is difficult class and why? Bus law 200 It is just difficult.
I don't understand at all what teacher said to student.
11.who is your favorite teacher? B.K. Griesemer she is so eagerness to teach us.
12. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Yes. We are getting along together.
13.Where is your recommend place or favorite place? Fun Fuctory(Game center)
14.What do you think of Maui? country
15.What is your goal? Understand English well and make everybody happy.
16.What do you want right now? A house
17.What is your hobby and favorite? Golf
18.Your comment. happy-go-lucky
19. E-mail address tashiro@aloha.net