Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society

学 会 誌 の 内 容
No.1 October  1999

【1】 山里 清 Yamazato K  p.1
    A foreword by the President of the Japanese Coral Reef Society
[原著論文 Original Papers]
【2】 Hidaka M and A Miyagi  pp.3-7
    Does enrichment by inorganic nurtients prevent bleaching in the coral Galaxea fascicularis exposed to high temperature?
【3】 Tsuchiya M and A Taira   pp.9-17
   Population structure of six sympatric species of Trapezia associated with the hermatypic coral Pocillopora damicornis with a hypothesis of mechanisms promoting their coexistence
【4】 Hidaka M and T Minei  pp.19-25
    Effects of short-term illumination on calcification of the coral Galaxea fascicularis
[特集:1998年のサンゴ礁の白化現象 The 1998 Coral Bleaching Event]
【5】 土屋 誠 Tsuchiya M  pp.27-29
    Warning from the coral reefs
【6】 長谷川 均・市川清士・小林 都・小林 孝・星野 眞・目崎茂和 Hasegawa H,K Ichikawa,M Kobayashi,T Kobayashi,M Hoshino and S Mezaki  pp.31-39
    The mass-bleaching of coral reefs in the Ishigaki Lagoon,1998
【7】 Fujioka Y  pp.41-50
   Mass destruction of the hermatypic corals during a bleaching event in Ishigaki Island,southwestern Japan
【8】 Shibuno T,K Hashimoto,O Abe and Y Takada  pp.51-58
   Short-term changes in structure of a fish community following coral bleaching at Ishigaki Island,Japan
【9】 谷口洋基・岩尾研二・大森 信 Taniguchi H,K Iwao and M Omori  pp.59-64
    Coral bleaching around Akajima,Okinawa.T Areport of the September 1998 survey
【10】 Tsuchiya M  pp.65-72
     Effect of mass coral bleaching on the community structure of small animals associated with the hermatypic coral Pocillopora damicornis
【11】 芽根 創・波利井左紀・山野博哉・田村正行・井出陽一・秋元不二雄 Kayanne H,S Harii,H Yamano,M Tmura,Y Ide and F Akimoto  pp.73-82 
    Changes in Living coral coverage before and after the 1998 bleaching event on coral reef flats of Ishigaki Island,Ryukyu Island
【12】 Yamazato K  pp.83-88
    Coral bleaching in Okinawa,1980 vs 1998
【13】 Sugihara K,Y Iryu and T Nakamori  pp.89-96
    Coral bleaching,geological ranges,and adaptation to high sea surface temperature
【14】 Kuroiki T and R van Woesik  pp.97-102
    Changes in zooxanthellae charateristics in the coral Stylophora pistillata during the 1998 bleaching event
【15】 Nishihira M and N Higa  pp.103-107
    Observations of bleaching patterns and recovery of massive Porties in the moat of Kudaka Island,Okinawa
