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“Manifest Destiny”
Wise Men
Birthday of Jesus
Times/Words Change


There are certain kinds of birds, animals and fish that migrate at certain seasons of the year or as the result of particular circumstances. “Migrate,” derived from a Latin word meaning “move” or “depart,” denotes the departure from one region or country to settle in another and forms the core of the words “emigrate” and “immigrate.” To “emigrate” is “to leave one country or region to settle in another,” and to “immigrate” is “to enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.” Immigration and problems related to immigrants are among the controversial topics in the U. S. A. today and were influential in attracting or repelling voters in the recent national election. A basic problem is related to the number of illegal immigrants who sneak or are transported across the long southern border with Mexico and are illegally employed at low wages to perform menial jobs. Many of these Hispanics do not speak English, live in poverty and are the objects of discrimination. At a recent lecture, in which the relation of immigration and discrimination was emphasized, I realized I was ignorant of the factors that provoked the Mexican War, as the result of which the U. S. A. gained two-fifths of Mexico’s territory and increased its own territory by about one-third. After checking history books, I was again embarrassed to read about and reflect upon the “Manifest Destiny” concept that has stimulated and justified much of this country’s policies related to other nations over the years and, unfortunately, continues to be a problem even today. (1019)

“Manifest Destiny”

     I was surprised to find the term “Manifest Destiny” in my English dictionary.  The 2nd definition given in that dictionary is “A policy of imperialistic expansion defended as necessary or benevolent.”  This term was first used in a political magazine article in 1845 related to the annexation of Texas by the United States of America.  The editor, John L. O’Sullivan, supported the annexation affirming that it is “our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.”  Overspreading the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific with a democratic government was a popular view of Americans at that time, but just ten years later an editorial in another magazine affirmed that “it is our manifest destiny to lead and rule all nations.”  Although it is probably natural for us to look at the world from our personal perspective and to consider our viewpoint the correct one which we would like others to recognize, we must recognize the differences of traditions, cultures and beliefs that must also be respected.  Probably all strong nations have, under certain conditions, tried to impose their belief or customs upon weaker ones and may have considered themselves divinely appointed to do so.  However, from my perspective as an American Christian, I am embarrassed to read about certain policies of my country’s leaders—both in the past and the present, for I believe that any people or nation that is chosen, or “destined,” by God to rule over others should do so by example rather than by force.  As God’s chosen people, we are called to serve rather than to dominate, to consider the needs of others rather than only our own.  (1020)


     As a verb, “yank” means to pull or extract suddenly.  People who are upset or in a hurry may yank things out of boxes, drawers or pockets, but they should be careful not to cause damage or further confusion as a result of their yanks and yanking.  Do you think there is a connection between a “yank” and a “Yankee?” When spelled with a capital Y, “Yank” is a shortened form of “Yankee,” but the meaning of “Yankee” depends on the speaker and the context in which it is used.  The three definitions in my dictionary are: 1) A native or inhabitant of New England.  2) A native or inhabitant of a Northern state.  3) A native or inhabitant of the United States. Although there are various theories regarding the origin of this word, it is probably rooted in a disparaging term for a Hollander among early American colonists.  He was called “Jan Kaas,” for “John cheese.”  Over the years, not only did the pronunciation change but the meaning of the term changed also, depending on the speaker.  It was used by Dutchmen for New Englanders, by the British for any colonist, by Southern Confederates for Northern Unionists during the Civil War and by many in foreign countries to refer to anyone from the U.S.A.  Nowadays, it may also refer to a member of the professional baseball team based in New York.  If you hear a loud announcement “Here come the Yankees,” before a group of men coming down the road, whether you smile or frown, applaud, turn your back or fearfully run away depends on the kind of “Yankees” they are and your perception of them.  So it is with all groups, whether social, racial, cultural or religious.  Our attitude toward others is often the result of our prejudices, which have often been formed by the influence of others or of our own limited experience.   (1021)


Although the most powerful and influential country in the world today is the United States of America, it is very obvious to both its citizens and to the rest of the world that in regard to many problems, it is not really “united.” In fact, one of the characteristics of a true democracy is respect for a variety of viewpoints without an attempt to force the “unity” which is a characteristic of dictatorships. One of the present problems which divides Americans is related to the extent the government should induce or promote activities or sentiments related to one particular religion. There are many different religions affirmed by Americans today and in this season of the year, whether the government, which represents all citizens, should permit symbols or statements related to one religion in particular to be displayed on government property has become a controversial subject. For example, should a crèche be permitted in a government building? A crèche is a miniature representation of the nativity scene, of the stable in which Jesus was born and of those who came to see him. The two quite different stories of Jesus’ birth recorded in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2 and the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2, are both represented in this display. Figures of the infant Jesus, laying in a manger, of Mary, his mother, Joseph, her husband, shepherds and Magi from the East are all represented. In some crèches, various animals, including sheep, camels, cows and horses, are also included. All the figures in the crèche now displayed in the church in our community are carved in wood that came from Bethlehem and those who see the crèche are reminded of the real reason for the Christmas celebration. (1022)

Wise Men

At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who Christians believe was the Christ, or Messiah, the deliverer whose coming was foretold by Jewish prophets long before his birth. In the nativity story in chapter 2 of the Gospel According to Luke, angels announced his birth to a group of shepherds who were caring for their flock of sheep. A very different story is found in chapter 2 of the Gospel According to Matthew. According to that story, “wise men from the east” came to worship this newly born “King of the Jews” because they had seen “his star in the east.” It is not written how many wise men there were, but because it is noted that they offered three different gifts, it has been traditionally assumed that there were three wise men who came to worship the king. But how shall we define a “wise man”? How does a man become “wise”? The Greek word magos, which was originally translated “wise man,” has been transliterated “Magi” in some modern translations, but the Greek term signified a sorcerer, or stargazer, who presumed a relationship between the movements of stars and historical events. Although pictures and crèches often include both the wise men and the shepherds around the manger, reading the stories carefully, it is obvious that the time and place of their encounter with the baby Jesus were different. But we are faced with the question, what is a “wise man”? How would you answer that question? In the Epistle of James, chapter 3, verse13, it is written: “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” (1023)

Birthday of Jesus

At the present time, the birth of Jesus is celebrated on December 25th by most Christians around the world. Festivities of various kinds are also held by many non-Christians who do not seriously consider the reason for the celebration but enjoy the delightful customs related to it. The Biblical narratives related to Jesus’ birth, however, include no indication of the date nor the season when he was born and it was not until hundreds of years later that December 25th was decided as the day to celebrate his birth. Although there are various theories regarding why that date was chosen, the most common one is related to the season of the year. From the winter solstice, daylight hours begin to lengthen. From the Christian perspective, Jesus became the “Light of the World.” Not only was he the Son of God; as the spiritual “sun,” he brought light into the world. In ancient Rome, there were a number of pagan celebrations related to the winter solstice and, for various reasons, it seemed suitable to combine the celebrations of these very different traditions in which periods of new light are emphasized. The use of evergreen trees as decorations, the lighting of candles and Yule logs were pagan customs that were adopted by Christian celebrants. Another theory regarding the reason for the December 25 date is related to the conclusion reached by church historians a couple of centuries after his death, that the date of Jesus’ death was March 25, according to the ancient Roman calendar. December 25 is exactly nine months later, which was considered significant to people of that time and place. Whatever was the reason for choosing this date, I hope that Christmas will be a merry, meaningful time for you and that you will be enlightened. (1024)

Times/Words Change

Some areas of these United States of America had a “white Christmas” which may be very beautiful to see but very frustrating to those taking long trips. Here in Florida, we have had both warm and cool weather with considerable rain on Christmas Day. During this holiday season, many friends and relatives come to visit residents in this retirement community. My wife and I have been enjoying the visit of our son and his daughter from New Mexico along with a granddaughter from Japan. The granddaughter from New Mexico is a junior in high school and the granddaughter from Japan is a freshman at Arizona State University. During their visit, we were again reminded and impressed with the fact that not only customs change, but a living language continues to change and that we comprehend very little about the present computerized age. Both girls have tiny cell phones with which they are not only able to communicate both by voice and typing, but can also use them as calculators and cameras. Along with his cell phone, our son carries with him a pocket pc (personal computer), which enables him to do everything my laptop, or desktop computer does—depending on the software he has installed. Not only do we now enjoy making use of the gift he gave us, we have also been alerted to the meanings of a number of acronyms or abbreviations. We now have a VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) with which we are able to hear CDs (Compact Disks), view and hear DVDs (Digital Video [or Versatile] Disks) as well as to watch and listen to our own TV (Television) and VHS (Video Home System). An interesting acronym created by my brother, a retired professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois in a textbook he wrote, entitled “Design Homology,” was GOD for “Grand Omni Designer.”(1025)