

‘I remember visiting this place twice during my stay in England in the course of the past year. I climbed the Hanger and looked down on White's old house, The Wakes, from far away.’


      Nishitani-Taizo wrote these words in the preface to his translation of Selborne. 'The past year' means 1924. He must have been the first Japanese to climb the Hanger. Selborne is not so far from London, but it has never been a convenient place to visit. Today, the road in front of The Wakes is constantly busy with traffic, but a little back from the road it is a quiet and beautiful village that even now retains the image of centuries ago.


     In the 18th century, a man named Gilbert White was born in Selborne and lived almost all his life as a curate there. He observed and recorded the nature of his beloved village and parish and left us The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. The Antiquities have been almost forgotten, but The Natural History has been read generation after generation as the bible for naturalists.


     Takemura-Genbei, or Nishitani-Taizo, was 40 years old when he visited Selborne. At that time his English was excellent and he could often even tell jokes in the language. But when he left the Sapporo Agricultural College Preliminary Course and returned home, he would have been unable to read the book without the help of dictionaries. It must have taken him many months to read it through.



     Genbei was deeply interested in various things, but after visiting 'this place' his interest must surely have focused on the book. He had bought a large number of books in London, and it took him many years to read them. Meanwhile, an idea came into his mind: to live just like White. In 1928 he gave up living in the city of Kochi and went back to his home town. He built a cottage near Sarumaru Pass, where he enjoyed living in the midst of nature. Five years later he bought a house at Nishidani [so called by the local people], which looked somewhat like the foot of the Hanger.


     Often during the daytime his friends would visit him, and he enjoyed chatting with them. He also spent a lot of time at the antique shop nearby. Only at night did he turn to the book, which by now had become his inseparable companion.


     Judging from the notes and manuscripts he left, he must have got the idea of translating Selborne around 1936. In 1939, at the earliest, he really began to work on the translation. Even after finishing the whole task, he repeatedly revised and polished it. His efforts continued all through the war, and even after it. He rewrote the manuscript at least five times. At last, when he considered it ready for publication, the time for him to depart to the other world was only a few days away. It was in 1958 that the edited work was finally published. It was the third Japanese translation, after those of Yamauchi-Yoshio and Jugaku-Bunsho.


     The Natural History of Selborne talks much about wild birds, but it also tells us about the land and the climate of the place. In the original we come across 'freestone', which is perhaps unknown in Japan. We are given no equivalent of the word in the two earlier translations, while only in Nishitani's does it appear as jizai-ishi − his own excellent invention. This is only one example. In a number of points, Nishitani's translation is superior to those of the other two scholars of English literature.

  『セルボーンの博物誌』は野鳥のことが多く語られていますが、その風土も詳しく述べられています。原文に freestone という言葉が出て来ます。恐らく日本にはない石です。先の2人の訳にはこれに相当する言葉は見あたりませんが、西谷退三のみが「自在石」という見事な訳語を与えています。このように、西谷退三の翻訳が2人の英文学者のものよりも優れている面が随所に見られます。

     Although he did not live to see the labour of his heart and soul published, perhaps in his last dream he had a vision of his own figure visiting Selborne once again, carrying his own book in his hand.



31 December 2007

A Guide to Selborne