A world language is human destiny.

Okay Project ® School of English


Phonglish Club

The phonglish Club is exclusively for the Honorary Members of the Okay Project School of English.  Those who are to join the club must participate in the Discussion Session and find their Phonglish Associates.  Only after completing this procedure, can they communicate freely on the phone or by email.  Although the Phonglish Associates may communicate freely with each other, there are some rules:  The use of Japanese is restricted.  They can use Japanese words only in the sentence structure of English.  In other words, they can use as many Japanese words as they want as long as they stick to English sentence structure.  In addition, everyday conversation  without any focus should be confined to the beginning and the ending of each talk; that is, an exchange of opinions on some specific topic should be the main part.  The Phonglish Club members are expected to have productive conversations.  They should discuss interesting issues with sincerity and integrity.  By doing so, they may make their lives more satisfying and also add to their ability to use English in a creative way.

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