O's Town Medical Mall, Okubo-cho, Akashi-city, dentist,pediatric,orthodontia,general,special needs

Child dentistry
Dental surgery
Special needs

Closed : Sunday, Holiday and Thu. pm.

   Dr. Takanobu Haruki

TEL 078-938-0555

This clinic opened in Okubo, Akasi-city,
on the 2nd April 1999,
as one member of O's Town Medical Mall.

To live healthy and pleasantly
at your home, office, and community,
we'll make a profound study, device and contribution.

Access(Map) Yurinoki St. Okubo-cho, Akashi-city, Hyogo pre.
Entrance  of  Patient's  Parking
Patient's Parking

Guidance of the Parkings

Patient's Parking

Please park at the medical exclusive lot, northern side of Yurinoki clinic.
When you approach the main gate,
the chain will slide down. 10cars. Free. When you leave, you need the private coin. After inserting the coin, the chain will remain down for 30 minutes.
If you get a prescription,
please get the coin at the pharmacy.
If you don't have one, each clinics give you the coin.
Times 24h Parking
     When the patient's parking is full,
please park at the Times 24h Parking lots of Viera .
Each clinic give you a service ticket for 30 minutes.
Anyone who makes use of the Viera's parking,
please bring the parking ticket.  
 How to get the ticket
@Imput the parking number  
APush the settled button  
BPush the ticket button
 Appearance of Viera   Entrance of Viera