☆☆☆☆ Lgend of Motoshige (mumei) ☆☆☆☆

Koto Jyojyosaku : Saijyo Owazamono : Nanbokucho period (1331~1392years)

The 37th NBTHK Jyuyo Token (The 21st important swords specified)

Registration Day July 14, 1952 : The 11943th Kanagawa

It is the swordmaker whom famous Bizen Osafune Motoshige takes it as Sadamune 3tetu in Nanbokucho period from the Kamakura latter period from ancient times, and played an active part. The blade crest shoes many Kinsuji,Sunanagashi and Ashi,Yo. This sword which is the important point of the model shows it in the days of Nanbokucho and is thick, and The long blade is magnificent. The ground iron throws in Nagaremasa and Jifu. the blade crest enters the Ashi and Yo, and Konie shows, and the characteristic of the same technique appears. In addition, there is a reputation wound one place at the Mune position of 30cm from Kissaki It may be said that it is the proof that live through the warring state period , and this is a glorious decoration.

Blade Length 76cm :  Sori 1.7cm :   kasane 7.5㎜ :  Root thickness 3.3cm :  Last thickness 2.4cm :

Motoshige image:↓Click the image to enlarge.Click the "CLOSE ×" mark on the lower right of the image to close image

Certificate :↓Click the image to enlarge.Click the "CLOSE ×" mark on the lower right of the image to close image

Jyuyo token
paper a list
Jyuyo token
paper the back
Jyuyo token
appointment book

Retun to Sword