[Tablacus Explorer] [Japanese]
Tablacus Explorer
How to Customize the right-click

Right click settings: options -> context, background, tab, tree, task tray or system.
ContextRight-click on the item in the folder view (list view)
BackgroundRight-click on the background in the folder view (list view)
TabsRight-click on the tab
TreeRight-click on the folder tree
TaskTrayRight-click on the task tray
SystemRight-click on the title bar

Let's add to "Open in Editor" to the right-click on the item in the folder view (list view).

Choose Tools -> Options.

Push "Context" of the menu.

Please enter the "Open in Editor" in the Name field.

Change the Type to "Selected items".

Press the option "Refrerence..." and select "Open with..."

Choose an editor and press "Open".

Add "Open in Editor" context by clicking the "Add".

It is completed by clicking the "OK".