

Sugiura S. (2018) Phosphorus: problems and solutions (Abs.No.170).(リン:問題点と解決法) The 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, June 3-7, 2018.  Poster presentation


Tanemura N., Watanabe T., Akiyoshi Y., Okano K., Sugiura S. (2014) Effects of in vitro digestion of rapeseed meal, soybean meal, macrophyte, and marine alga with cellulase, hemicellulase, multi-enzyme mix, and three species of white-rot fungi evaluated based on in vivo digestibilities of protein, fiber, organic matter, phosphorus, and trace minerals in rainbow trout (Abs.No.1155).(ニジマスにおけるセルラーゼ、ヘミセルラーゼ、複合酵素および3種の白色腐朽菌で培養した菜種粕、大豆粕、水草および海藻に含まれるタンパク、繊維質、有機物、リン、および微量元素類の消化吸収率の改善効果) The 16th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Cairns, Australia, May 25-30, 2014.  Oral presentation


Sugiura S. (2014) Rapid estimation of species-specific DNA digestibility based on differential qPCR (Abs.No.1156).(ディファレンシャルリアルタイムPCRによる種特異的DNA消化率の簡易測定) The 16th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Cairns, Australia, May 25-30, 2014.  Poster presentation


Sugiura S. (2012) NaPi and P-responsive genes --- Practical considerations ---.NaPiとリン応答遺伝子実用的見解The 15th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Molde, Norway, 4-7 June 2012.  Oral presentation


Tanemura N., Watanabe T., Sugiura S. (2012) Effects of phytase, cellulase, and lactic acid fermentation on phosphorus, protein, NDF-ADF, and organic matter digestibilities of rapeseed meal and soybean meal in rainbow trout.(菜種粕と大豆粕に含まれるリン,タンパク質,NDFADF繊維質および有機物のニジマスにおける消化率に及ぼすフィターゼ,セルラーゼおよび乳酸発酵の効果) The 15th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Molde, Norway, 4-7 June 2012.  Poster presentation


Taguchi T., Miura Y., Sugiura S. (2012) Feeding habits of largemouth bass and bluegill estimated based on stomach contents and fecal DNA.(胃内容物と糞DNAから推測したオオクチバスとブルーギルの食性) The 15th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Molde, Norway, 4-7 June 2012.  Poster presentation


Sugiura S., Taguchi T., Yamaoka A., Tanaka H., Kuwamura K. (2010) Use of low-phosphorus feed for Biwa salmon aquaculture.(ビワマス養殖のための低リン飼料の利用) The 14th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition & Feeding, May 31- June 4, 2010, Qingdao, China  Poster presentation


