
The smallest squares containingk 91's :
2916 = 542,   69189124 = 83182,   19109191696 = 1382362,
19191829199104 = 43808482,   8913919178910916 = 944135542.

91 is the first integer which is the sum of 6 distinct squares : 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + 62.

91 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 + 62.

912 = 8281, a zigzag square.

912 = 8281, 82 and 81 are consecutive.

912 = 8281, 8 + 281 = 172.

912 is the first square which is the sum of 4 cubes in 4 ways:
    13 + 43 + 63 + 203 = 33 + 43 + 113 + 193 = 83 + 133 + 133 + 153 = 93 + 123 + 123 + 163.
912 is the first square which is the sum of 6 cubes in 5 ways:
    [1,2,3,6,13,18], [1,4,6,7,14,17], [1,5,10,11,12,16], [3,4,7,12,14,15], [6,8,9,10,12,16].

The alternating sum of the first 25 consecutive cubes is a square : 13 - 23 + 33 - ... + 253 = 912.

52k + 91k + 117k + 169k + 247k are squares for k = 1,2,3,4 (262, 3382, 47322, 692902).

Kaprekar number : 912 = 8281, 8 + 2 + 81 = 82 + 8 + 1 = 91.

A 3-by-3 magic square consisting of different squares with constant 912:


260k + 286k + 1742k + 5993k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (912, 62532, 4696512).
17k + 91k + 299k + 377k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (282, 4902, 90042).

Komachi equations:
912 = 12 * 232 * 42 - 52 + 62 - 72 - 82 - 92 = - 12 + 22 - 32 + 42 + 562 - 72 + 82 * 92
  = 982 - 72 * 62 + 52 - 42 - 32 + 212 = 982 - 72 * 62 - 52 + 42 + 32 + 212.

912 = 13 + 43 + 63 + 203 = 33 + 43 + 113 + 193 = 83 + 133 + 133 + 153 = 93 + 123 + 123 + 163.

(912 + 1) = (92 + 1)(102 + 1).

912 + 922 + 932 + ... + 3322 = 34652.

912 = (2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8)2 + (9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15)2.

(1 + 2 + ... + 7)(8 + 9 + ... + 55)(56 + 57 + ... + 91) = 105842.

(12 + 22 + ... + 222)(232 + 242 + ... + 452)(462 + 472 + ... + 692)(702 + 712 + ... + 912) = 10997910002.

13 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 53 + 63 + 73 + 83 + 93 + 103 + 113 + 123 + 133 = 912.

917 = 51676101935731, 516 + 7610 + 1 + 93 + 57 + 3 + 1 = 912,
919 = 427929800129788411,
    4+2+7+9+29+8001+2+97+88+41+1 = 4+2+7+92+9+8001+29+7+88+41+1,
  = 4+2+79+2+9+8001+2+9+78+84+11 = 4+2+79+29+8001+29+7+88+41+1,
  = 4+2+79+298+001+2+9+7884+1+1 = 4+2+7929+80+0129+7+88+41+1,
  = 4+27+9+2+9+8001+2+97+88+41+1 = 4+27+92+9+8001+2+9+7+88+41+1,
  = 4+279+2+9+80+01+2+9+7884+11 = 4+279+2+9+80+012+9+7884+1+1,
  = 4+279+2+98+001+2+9+7884+1+1 = 42+7+9+29+8001+2+97+8+84+1+1,
  = 42+7+9+29+8001+2+97+88+4+1+1 = 42+7+9+29+8001+29+78+84+1+1,
  = 42+7+9+298+001+29+7884+11 = 42+7+92+9+8001+2+97+8+8+4+11,
  = 42+7+92+9+8001+29+7+8+84+1+1 = 42+7+92+9+8001+29+7+88+4+1+1,
  = 42+7+92+9+8001+29+78+8+4+11 = 42+79+2+9+8001+2+9+7+88+41+1,
  = 42+79+29+8001+2+97+8+8+4+11 = 42+79+29+8001+29+7+8+84+1+1,
  = 42+79+29+8001+29+7+88+4+1+1 = 42+79+29+8001+29+78+8+4+11,
  = 42+7929+8+00129+78+84+11 = 42+7929+80+01+2+97+88+41+1,
  = 42+7929+80+0129+7+8+84+1+1 = 42+7929+80+0129+7+88+4+1+1,
  = 42+7929+80+0129+78+8+4+11 = 4279+2980+0129+7+884+1+1 = 912.

912 = 8281 appears in the decimal expressions of π and e:
  π = 3.14159•••8281••• (from the 5392nd digit),
  e = 2.718281828459045••• (from the 3rd digit),
  (8281 is the first 4-digit square in the expression of e.)

Page of Squares : First Upload March 15, 2004 ; Last Revised February 3, 2011
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan