
The smallest squares containingk 75's :
7569 = 872,   18757561 = 43312,   7575787521 = 870392,
75753754756 = 2752342,   6757757547547561 = 822055812.

The third integer which is the sum of 5 squares : 12 + 22 + 32 + 52 + 62.

752 = 5625, a zigzag square.

752 = 5625, 5 + 6 + 25 = 62,
752 = 5625, 56 + 25 = 92.

752 = 5625, 5 * 6 / 2 * 5 = 75.

990k + 1020k + 1785k + 1830k are squares for k = 1,2,3 (752, 29252, 1176752).

Komachi Fraction : 752 = 4910625/873.

Komachi equations:
752 = 1234 * 5 - 67 * 8 - 9 = 123 * 45 - 6 + 7 + 89
  = 9 * 8 * 76 - 54 - 3 + 210 = - 9 + 87 * 65 - 4 + 3 - 2 * 10,
752 = - 12 - 22 - 32 - 42 * 52 + 62 + 782 - 92 = 92 + 872 - 62 * 52 / 42 * 32 * 22 */ 12
  = 92 - 82 - 72 * 62 - 52 + 432 * 22 + 12 = - 92 - 82 + 762 - 52 - 42 + 32 * 22 - 12
  = - 92 + 872 - 62 + 52 - 432 - 22 + 12 = 92 * 82 + 72 - 62 + 542 / 32 + 22 + 102.

75 and 76 are consecutive integers having square factors (the 6th case).

(752 + 3) = (82 + 3)(92 + 3) = (22 + 3)(32 + 3)(82 + 3),
(752 + 7) = (52 + 7)(132 + 7) = (22 + 7)(32 + 7)(52 + 7).

(1)(2 + 3 + ... + 12)(13 + ... + 75) = 4622.

(12)(22 + 32 + ... + 52)(62 + ... + 392)(402 + ... + 752) = 3687302,
(12 + 22 + 32 + 42)(52 + 62 + 72)(82 + 92 + ... + 292)(302 + 312 + ... + 752) = 19354502.

757 = 13348388671875, 1 + 3348 + 388 + 6 + 7 + 1875 = 752,
757 = 13348388671875, 13 + 3 + 4838 + 8 + 671 + 87 + 5 = 752,
759 = 75084686279296875,
    7+508+4686+27+9+296+87+5 = 7+5084+6+8+62+79+296+8+75
  = 7+5084+68+6+2+79+296+8+75 = 7+5084+68+6+279+2+96+8+75
  = 7+5084+68+62+7+9+296+87+5 = 750+8+4686+2+79+2+9+6+8+75 = 752.

752 = 5625 appears in the decimal expressions of π and e:
  π = 3.14159•••5625••• (from the 3085th digit),
  e = 2.71828•••5625••• (from the 1962nd digit).

Page of Squares : First Upload February 23, 2004 ; Last Revised December 14, 2013
by Yoshio Mimura, Kobe, Japan